Up To 1,000 STEEM Available... ~Will Exchange for Fiat~

“ideas are dangerous commodities.”
– E. C. R. Lorac –

"Putting My STEEM Where My Mouth Is"

~by Duncan Cary Palmer~

Are you waiting for someone else to take STEEM to the Moon...?

If we begin using STEEM every day, for day-to-day transactions, we can help take it there ourselves.

Speculating with cryptocurrency is all fine and good, but until we start actually using it on a daily basis in the real world, it will remain a curiosity.

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The Circle of STEEM... Use it!
Image courtesy of Austin Neill and http://unsplash.com

Are you using STEEM, or just sitting on it?

A few days ago, I suggested that Steemians ought to:

"Be The (Ex)Change You Want To See In The World".

We ought to start helping each other convert between STEEM and fiat.

Rather than dealing with exchanges that are nosy, intrusive, and shackled by government regulations—let's just start trading STEEM ourselves.

We can do this personally, privately, person to person. Cut out the government middle-man and all his snoops. This is something we can start right away, we don't have to wait for permission or for any further technical development.

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STEEM—To The Moon!
Image courtesy of Sadman Sakib and http://unsplash.com

What do you say, fellow Steemian?

Do you have a few extra $$$, £££, or €€€?

Use it to BUY some STEEM from a Steemian who needs a little extra "cash money" to get through the holidays.

Or, maybe your last post about "Aunt Martha's Knitting" went viral?

You have too much STEEM on your hands?

SELL that surplus STEEM to a minnow who wants to power up, make his vote worth something.

Give him/her a good deal... And, by a "good deal," if you can exchange at the current average price on the exchanges, without an exchange fee, that would be a kindness.

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Let's meet for the exchange...
Image courtesy of Aleksandra Mazur and http://unsplash.com

Exchanges usually charge a fee for their service, which is utterly reasonable. If you do a lot of exchanges, you'll probably need to as well in order to support the habit. But once in a while, a "straight across" exchange wouldn't hurt.

So, lets do this thing.

STEEM and Dollars—💰🔁☁️—EXCHANGED Here
"STEEM - Replacing the Dollar Since 2016"

I'll go first. Would you like to buy some STEEM?

Power up a little faster, have more STEEM Power to make your votes on Steemit worth more right now?

If you live in Southern California, and have a reasonable reputation* on Steemit, I'll meet you somewhere public with WiFi (e.g. MacDonalds or Starbucks) and sell you up to 1,000 STEEM for cash $$$. No middle-man. An informal, verbal-contract, private exchange of your fiat for up to 1,000 of my STEEM—first come, first served.

It seems as though everyone complains about Crypto Exchange problems, but nobody is talking about this one, obvious, immediately available solution.

At the present time, fiat conversion is one of the more difficult aspects of using crypto. If we remain in the mindset that we need government approved exchanges, crypto will remain a fringe movement.

It's past time we realized that we don't need Coinbase, Bittrex, and etc.—nor their guv'mnt regulation.

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STEEM—To The Moon!
Image courtesy of Paul Carmona and http://unsplash.com

So, who wants to buy some STEEM?

Come and get it! If you're interested, leave a comment below. We can meet on Steemit chat, and then arrange the exchange...

*Footnote: By "reasonable reputation," I mean a rep value of 50+ (easy enough to reach in only a few months, provided you're a good "Steemit Citizen") and your Comment/Reply history shows me you're a kindly interactive person, and/or if you're vouched for by someone I know and trust.

NOTE: God willing, I'll be in New England for a few days, arriving on Tuesday... and so, I'll extend this offer to anyone who may like to rendezvous with me in that neck of the global woods? ;)


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LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr

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