"What Shall I Write Next?" My "Steemit Tickler File"...๐Ÿ–‹

It's time to update my list of potential articles to write and post on Steemit...

This is my third installment in this series. I'm unilaterally declaring my experiment a resounding success, and here's why.

Steemit does work well as a "notepad." I have been able to add to and update this list. I find it exciting that the list is growing faster than I can write articles... And so, I have a well of fresh ideas to draw from at all times.

It will soon become easier when, according to the new Steemit Roadmap, I'll be able to go back an edit any post at will. That means I won't have to replace this post every month! ๐Ÿ˜„

I still intend to occasionally ask you, my followers and readers, to suggest what you might like me to write next. Do you see anything intriguing in my list? Do you have another idea? Please let me know in the comments below.

Here's my "open secret":

No Way but Up

No Way To Go But Up - Photo courtesy of Jungwoo Hong and http://unsplash.com

What I really crave is readers...

I really want to write things that you, my readers and followers, want to read, enjoy reading and will benefit from! Yes, that means it is just as important to me to hear that you've been blessed by something I wrote as it is for me to earn Steem. So would you please let me hear from you? Thanks!

Tip: If you're unsure about whether you have "the right stuff" to become one of my followers, you may want to take my wildly popular (but hard to pass) test... Can you make the cut?

ย ย ย ย Do You Have the Chops To Be A Relevant Part of My Steemit Audience?

I'm not a "disciplined writer..."

I write about what I know and whatever's piqued my interest lately...
Feel free to inspire me with your ideas!

One Way Both

Photo courtesy of Hans M and http://unsplash.com

And so, What Next for Steemit?

Steemit โ€” and you, my reader โ€” seem to constantly be in my thoughts. What shall I write about next?

And Jesus said to them, โ€œTherefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old.โ€ - Matthew 13:52

Ideas for articles, both new and old, keep bubbling to the surface. What would you like me to focus on next?

I'll move some finished ideas here:

  • "I'm Not Asking You to Believe..."
  • The heartbreak of being unfollowed!
  • Sylmar quake...
  • Secret hostage fear (breath)
  • "Get away from the pumps!"
  • Chaos-brain vs Library-brain

So much to write, so little time...

  • How we ended up in California
  • End of the debate road
  • Revolutionizing the teaching of trigonometry
  • Another "How To Fix Anything" article
  • Thoughts about getting older...
  • Capricious gods vs Jesus
  • Credit where credit is due!
  • Photos of an unusual jewelry box I made
  • The recently expanded universe (1 to 2 trillion galaxies!)
  • Will there be lovemaking in heaven? Children?
  • Could anything hold your attention for ** eternity **?
  • Poems about future loves
  • Inventions yet to be prototyped
  • The Riddle of Solomon's Sea of Brass and the Number Pi
  • Interpretive keys to the book of Revelation
  • Is liberty even possible when death is inevitable?
  • Having a conversation with my former self...
  • Accessible seating...
  • Visiting Julian and Anne
  • Telling and attending stories in search of answers...
  • The sad story of my home-made wood stove
  • Family relationships help us understand how much Jesus loves us
  • Hitchhiking in NYC
  • Diagnosis: STEEMIT Brain!
  • Hello. My name is Social Media. You killed my Facebook. Prepare to die!
  • I met Jim Lovell
  • Flying dreams
  • Cartoon animal dream
  • Bucky Fuller geometry...
  • What is money? Source of wealth?
  • How to interview for, and get, that job you want
  • Easy-clean, walk-in showers
  • How to take a project from conception to
    engineered completion to mass production
  • Hand-held 3D photography and etc.
  • Musings on The Incarnation
  • Sincere Steemit Questions
  • My stolen van
  • Array-Link Indexed Table of Contents
  • Myths about contracting
  • Agorist Toolkit
  • Steem Economy
  • The Equalizer
  • AI in Denial (an S/F story)
  • The remarkable history of computer speech
  • Words of Art / Terminology Traps
  • Sleep Experiments
  • The difference between childish and child-like
  • Jews vs Judeans
  • The Flying Spaghetti Monster
  • Need for and Benefits Of Rest, The practicality of sabbaticals
  • Glendalough
  • More surfing stories
  • The integrative effects of singing
  • Jesus loves you -- but I'm His favorite!
  • Chestnuts are the bomb!
  • Evangelism's (Well Deserved) Bad Reputation...
  • Continuity of identity in the resurrection...
  • Human physical capacity exceeds what we know...
  • "These are not the droids you're looking for..."
  • Genesis creation as a model for engineering...
  • Meaning of "antichrist."
  • NYM crypto
  • LTD - Lunar Transport Device
  • Does the Bible Condemn the U.S. Government?
  • A series of "inconvenient truths"
  • 3D Red/Blue Anaglyph Sketching
  • My theory of less time
  • Impossibility of writing it all
  • What's in a name? True names...
  • Butterfield Lunar Lander
  • The Bob Beck protocol
  • A simple beach shower
  • Using my childhood apophenia when scribbling...

To Be Continued... Meanwhile, let's go surfing!

Surfing Sunset

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Bishop and http://unsplash.com

Thanks for your time and attention.

I'm here on Steemit because of you, my readers. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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