Where Do I Go From Here? What Shall I Write Next?

I'm busily musing over what to write and publish next on Steemit.

I've had a particularly intense few weeks recently. I spent eight consecutive days volunteering behind the scenes at a play that my granddaughter was in. Next, after some intense preparation, I labored for almost a week in a foreign country on a missions trip.

All that to explain "why the gap" since my last post here on Steemit...

I'm back, and perhaps you, my followers, and you readers just now discovering you want to follow me, can (with your comments) help me pick what's next?

No Way but Up

No Way To Go But Up - Photo courtesy of Jungwoo Hong and http://unsplash.com

The last few days have,

of course, been partly about recuperating from the previous two weeks and partly about reacting to the high and low points of the recent US "political silly season." Too much time spent on Facebook, trying to gently nudge friends and family to see the futility and evil of the state...

If you're new to my blog and just "happening" on me, I invite you to browse and sample what I've already published here. You can do that "in the conventional way" by clicking here to visit my profile, or you might want to "check in" through this convenient index which I published when I reached a "happy Steemit milestone" of 100 in SteemPower. I may not be the pied-piper, but I think you'll enjoy following me anyway.

I'm feeling a little guilty right now because I started a series on Agorism which has been left begging all too long for its next installment. I certainly intend to get back to it, because there is so much more to tell to bring you up to date...

Unfortunately, I'm not one of those "disciplined writers"

who appear to be able to churn out thousands of words on demand. I require some inspiration, and I write best when I am (even temporarily) excited about something new or fascinating.

One Way Left

Photo courtesy of Nick Tiemeyer and http://unsplash.com

And so, What Now for Steemit?

Though I haven't "been here" recently, the brain keeps coming back to Steemit. What shall I write about next? Ideas, both new and old, seem to continually present themselves in the background of my mind.

And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” - Matthew 13:52

By the way, if you haven't already figured this out, my mind tends to be pretty chaotic. I've got so many things going on, I find it at times difficult to focus. Consequently, I bounce around among humor, stories, poetry, theology, anarchy/agorism/liberty, and various random cool topics.

Which Way to Go, Which Way?

There are certainly many more personal stories I could tell. Some are surprising experiences from my own life that I feel may also be potentially interesting to a wider audience.

Jesus communicated primarily by the use of stories, A.K.A. parables. Maybe that would be a good way for me to go?

One Way Both

Photo courtesy of Hans M and http://unsplash.com

I have lots more stories already written for my surfing collection. My surfing stories have at times been wildly popular, but I don't want to let them distract me from writing the new things I have in mind.

Surfing Sunset

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Bishop and http://unsplash.com

There is much more, some written, much yet to be penned, that falls in categories of Christianity and Religion. I'd like to start a series called "A Geek Looks At the Bible" to share some unusual and possibly off-beat insights that I've had over many years.

One Way Right

Photo courtesy of Karina Carvalho and http://unsplash.com

I also feel driven to write more poetry and music. I've been quite inspired by some of the poets I've read here on Steemit; poets like @johnjgeddes writing brilliantly evocative pieces such as Thought it was you. Reading the blog of @lakshmi, another poet, maker, and writer, encouraged me to write this Haiku about The First Wave.

So much to write, so little time...

Writing this "meta-piece" about what I hope to write is mostly an exercise to get me thinking; a transient tool for organizing some of my chaotic thought, a bookmark I can look back at when I've forgotten "what's next." I think I'll close by listing some random possibilities...

  • How we moved to California
  • A mystical dream I had long ago - ✔
  • Thoughts about getting older...
  • Photos of an unusual jewelry box I made
  • The recently expanded universe (1 to 2 trillion galaxies!)
  • Will there be lovemaking in heaven? Children? Something to hold your attention for eternity?
  • How to take a project from conception to engineered completion to mass production
  • Poems about lost loves - ✔
  • Poems about lost future loves
  • Inventions yet to be prototyped
  • The Riddle of Solomon's Sea of Brass and the Number Pi
  • Interpretive keys to the book of Revelation
  • Is liberty even possible when death is inevitable?
  • Having a conversation with my former self...
  • Accessible seating...
  • How To Fix Almost Anything - ✔
  • Visiting Julian and Anne
  • Telling and attending stories in search of answers...
  • The sad story of my home-made wood stove
  • How I discovered Enya, and my favorite song of hers
  • Family relationships help us understand how much Jesus loves us
  • forgotten thought?
  • Hitchhiking in NYC
  • Diagnosis: STEEMIT Brain!
  • Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!
  • I met Jim Lovell
  • Flying dreams
  • Cartoon animal dream
  • Bucky Fully geometry...
  • Favorite Steemians Honor Roll
  • What is money? Source of wealth?

And so much more! Maybe I'll come back here to edit and add to this list as I remember other things I want to share... What are the implications of using a Steemit post as a note-pad?

I truly look forward to your interaction in the comments below... Please feel free to "Reply"! Oh, and I also take requests for posts if I have something constructive to say on a topic that may interest you.

Thanks for reading, voting up, and following me. I write this stuff for you, and without you to read and appreciate it, I wouldn't be here at all.

I have very eclectic interests and want to write about all of them. Did you enjoy this post?

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