Where's Waldo? Can You Find Yourself In My ☁️Steemit Cloud☁️ of Follow-ees?

An Experiment in Stalking My Favorite Steemians!

Just trying to do a better job of following and curating....


Am I Following YOU? Original image... Steemit Word Cloud courtesy of http://www.wordclouds.com

I don't "get out" to visit my favorite Steemians often enough...

Generally, I'm working on my next article for Steemit.

Then, when I do make the rounds, I'm sad to discover that I wasn't there in time to up-vote a great article.

And so, I was "fooling around" today and made this Word Cloud of all the fine folk that I follow.

If you click on the image above, you'll be taken to a version that "actually works," - i.e. you can click on any Steemit name and be taken to their blog. It's the tool I'll be using to browse my follow-ees.

Can you find yourself in my ☁️Steemit Cloud?☁️

For a much larger version of the cloud, CLICK HERE


For a topical index to many of my other interesting articles, CLICK HERE

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