YEEE-HAAAH!!! Celebrating 1K Earned Steem Power!

A BIG Shout Out to ALL My Commenters, Followers, Up-Voters, and Readers of Every Persuasion!

You made it possible for me to bank 1,000 Steem Power!

Whether or no you may fit all (or any) of those categories, I have today prepared a short quiz for your edification and enjoyment. Please take a deep breath, and then proceed to ask yourself the following questions:

Celebrating 1K Earned Steem Power!

Celebrating 1K Earned Steem Power!

Photo courtesy of SpaceX and

An Impromptu Quiz

This is a two-part quiz. Your answers to simple "Yes" or "No" questions in the first part will determine whether or not you need continue to the second part.

Part One

Please simply answer "Yes" or "No" to each and all of the following four questions:

[ ] Do I read @creatr 's posts? ["Yes" or "No"]

[ ] Do I up-vote @creatr 's posts? ["Yes" or "No"]

[ ] Do I follow @creatr? ["Yes" or "No"]

[ ] Do I comment on @creatr 's posts? ["Yes" or "No"]

IF you answered "Yes" to all of the questions, then


You pass the test with flying colors. You're done!

You are a wonderful, wise and discerning human being with impeccable taste!

Please carry on! You may pick up your pencils and leave to enjoy the rest of your day...

(Of course, you may also -- very astutely -- choose to read a few more of @creatr 's Blog Entries before you go... Enjoy!)

As for all the rest of you....

What's that, you say? You couldn't honestly answer "Yes" to every question?

Please, then, accept my deepest condolences, and proceed to Part Two of the quiz:

Part Two

Based on the very unfortunate "No" answer you provided to one or more of the questions in Part One, of this quiz, please ask yourself and then answer ONLY those of the following questions that apply to you.

NOTE: Please answer honestly, as you will be fooling none but yourself if you don't:

  • What in the world is wrong with me? (Indeed...!)
  • How hard could it be for me to click the "Follow" button? Perhaps I should ask my doctor to check for palsy?
  • Why would I prefer to read other, inferior authors' typographically challenged drivel when I could be reading @creatr 's delightfully enlightening blog posts?
  • Do I need practice clicking the "UPVOTE" arrow? (NOTE: There is a vast array of amazing posts right here for you to practice on - You're welcome!)
  • How in the world can @creatr 's articles have so many upvotes and while @creatr has so relatively few followers? And, more importantly, Have I contributed to this universe-tilting imbalance? CLICK HERE AND FOLLOW @CREATR to remedy that imbalance...
  • Am I simply afraid to say "Hi, @creatr, Nice to meet you" in a comment? (@creatr promises not to bite you... REPLY and COMMENT below!)
  • Why can't I relax, and take a few minutes to actually read through @creatr 's posts?

If, after taking this brief and simple quiz, you find yourself at a complete loss, you may wish to undergo a more thorough evaluation here:

Do You Have the Chops To Be A Relevant Part of My Steemit Audience?

Dos Equis Man

No, That's Not Me; But I Do Sport A Beard

Photo courtesy of Dos Equis

NOTE: There is no additional charge for undergoing the above extended evaluation.

You may also practice appreciating @creatr 's content creation by using This Convenient Index to his articles.

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Follow me, I'm @creatr


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