100+ Followers!!! Thank you!!! My tips for newcomers...


Wowsers!!! I am so ecstatic about this milestone! Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and checked out my content, upvoted and Resteemed my posts and for all of you that have chosen to Follow me. I have learned so much just in the past few weeks and I would like to share for some of the newcomers.

When I joined Steemit last year in July I couldn't get as involved as I wanted to. We had our 4th child so you can imagine how busy I was. On top of that the learning curve and all of the information to read was intimidating to me. I had made the decision I wouldn't log back on. I'm so glad I decided to give it another try a few weeks ago. I went from under 20 followers to 100+ in just that short time.


When I first tried Steemit I worked hard on creating original content and hoped that the masses would see it.......................yes there was a lot of silence in between my posting. You can't expect to jump on here, create great content and hope for a great return. You have to mingle. You have to start conversations and get to know other users.

  • search for content that intrigues you or educates you about Steemit
  • leave encouraging thoughtful comments or feedback that will help other users
  • upvote good quality and valuable posts
  • Resteem the posts you feel need to be seen and that are of great value
  • take the time to check your replies and reply back

One thing I have noticed that annoys a lot of users is when someone leaves a comment on their post like this "Hey there, great post, I followed you please do the same in return and follow me back." This platform has a freedom of choice where you choose who you wish to follow. It doesn't make someone too happy when they are put in a situation where they feel obligated. Trust me, there are people I have followed but they haven't followed me back. Do I get mad and upset? No. Would I like for them to follow me back? Well of course. The thing is I followed those people because I found their content of great value and interest to me. Whether they follow me or not I will continue to leave positive feedback and upvote their quality content. Just take the time to do these things and create original and quality content and you will be amazed how things will turn around for you. I always say "give support get support."

Creating Original and Great Quality Content

When you are scrolling through the feed you can notice a big difference from quality over quantity. Meaning there are a lot of people that take their time and write great original reads while others try to create lots of content that is not thought out as well. You can create all of the posts you want but if it's just thrown together quickly or copied and pasted from other sources often then it probably will get over looked often.

  • create original content of great quality (post about your expertise or things you are passionate about)
  • use bright and clear photos (it seems posts with great photos get the most attention)
  • even though it is legal to copy and paste from the web as long as you give the source credit, try to write in your own words so you won't run into bots that look for plagiarism
  • make sure to give your post a relevant catchy title and give it the appropriate tags


Educate Yourself about the Steemit platform

  • use the Search engine and look up minnow support, Steemit for beginners and abbreviations or words used here that you don't know
  • when you find a user that is creating helpful resources follow them to stay updated
  • as you are building a following ask your new friends questions and reach out for help, it helps stir up conversations as well
  • you can also try Steemit chat to reach out for help

I want to leave you with two helpful resources I use everyday.

Steem Now created by @penguinpablo
This site helps you keep track of your SBD (Steem Dollars), SP (Voting Power), Curation and Author Rewards and Upvotes .

Steem Followers by @shaunmza
This site helps you keep track of your Following. You can see who has followed you and if someone has unfollowed you. I like using this tool to help me connect with those that have followed me. I can easily click on their name and view their profile.

I hope my little tips helps someone along the way. Thank you for reading and thanks again to all of you that chose to follow me. This really is an encouraging and supportive community! Let's take care of it and spread the Love~ ❤️

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