IPFS, The End of HTTP. Also Greatest Free Steemit Image Host Found

I have been attempting to figure out what IPFS is or why it is, but I just don't have the mind grapes for that, so instead  I will explain why I still believe in it and why you should use someone using this technology for hosting your images for Steemit posts.   Below you will find a header like image that will give some look of credibility to this post

First off, though it has a futuristic and not fun name plus a logo that we all wish was a companion cube to give it just a little life, IPFS seems like it might be the future.  The future of something.  Do not be fooled, this isn't some huge corporation, this is another great decentralizing open source product like the ones we all have grown to love.

This is an image I found on a Google search for IPFS that gives a little rundown of differences in HTTP and IPFS.

Simple huh, so easy even I understood those difference.    Ever heard of that open source Bitcoin based marketplace kicking ass right now called OpenBazaar?   It turns out that in the new big upcoming update of 2.0, via a Twitter post less than one day ago made by an OB1 dev, IPFS will have OpenBazaar built on it.  That is nearly an exact quote, click the link for yourself.  What does this all mean?   I have no idea exactly but it is open source so I guess if I wanted a better idea I could look at code, and before that, learn code.

Still not sure what is going on exactly, here is a video that is less than 4 minutes of your time with  Juan Benet, the person who designed IPFS and shared it with the world

So how did this all come about?   When looking for a good image host for Steemit, I found a helpful post by user @primus that gave three pretty decent image hosts.  The one I have been using the past couple of days the most is 


Using this great back end of the IPFS code we all understand fully by now, it is providing something new in the way of image hosting, with the only limitation is image must be under 2mb.  I make a lot of posts on Steemit using images, and this is a solution I feel very good using and hope it works out for you all as well.

A quick bonus link, if you are a little older and have heard of a web site that was called GeoCities, check out that free website idea using IPFS on a site called Neocities.    To end this post abruptly but in a postive way, the following image is a little funny

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