You know that the right information at right time is the key in crypto space. There are lots of great steemians here. I made a list of those who I found worth to follow to get the most "critical" information about cryptocurrencies. The order is arbitrary and this is obviously very subjective, there are lots of steemians I missed.
- Daniel Larimer @dan
- Kings Crown @kingscrown
- Jerry Banfield @jerrybanfield
- Jeff Berwick @jeffberwick
- Cornel @jrcornel
- Hilarski @hilarski
- Crypto Tips @heiditravels
- Breaking Crypto News @bcn
- Trade Alert @tradealert
- Boxmining @boxmining
- Furion @furion
- Someguy @someguy123
- Tech Trends @tech-trends
- Sean Supplee @bitcoinflood
- Penguin Pablo @penguinpablo
- Craig Grant @craig-grant
- Trevon James @trevonjb
- Nathan Hourt @modprobe
- Barry Dutton @barrydutton
- Secret Guru @secret-guru
- Joseph @joseph
- Francesco @andreolf
- Cryptogee @cryptogee
- Cryptofreedom @cryptofreedom
- KrNel @krnel
- Tarzan @me-tarzan
- Zer0Hedge @zer0hedge
- ADSactly @adsactly
- Acronym @acronym
And of course don't forget to follow @crypto.girl as well 😉
Please don’t be mad if I forgot you. Feel free to add in the comments other great accounts to follow.