Be more active in your Steemit sub-communities – Support those who got your back!

Communities are characterized by being an organic congregation of people who interact and work together towards a common goal.

50 years ago a community was a physical construct, like a town or a football club. A community is no longer limited to simply being a psychical construct. Communities are now being build online spanning across continents and time zones.

Being part of a community isn’t as simple as just joining a group of people and having them help us out. We have to interact and create relationships with people. In a community, we have responsibilities and a feeling of co-ownership that ensures that we work towards the betterment of the community.

On Steemit, we are all trying to build a community that’s better than anyone has ever seen before

People all have their different reasons to post here. Some people mainly post here because of the possible earnings. Some post because they simply like to write, and others are just here to learn and have fun.

It’s all good that we have different motivational factors that drives us, but some people are having a tough time here which is having a negative influence on their motivation. I see a lot of people complain about the decline in post payout. Others complain about never making any tangible payouts at all. I get that its though goings sometimes, but hang in there. There are Steemit sub-communities out there who can help you.

But first we have to get these communities to work properly!

Be more active in your Steemit sub-community

There are many Steemit sub-communities out there who have been created to help us promote our material.

Just to mention a few:

Steemit Blogger Central
Whaleshares, and
Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins

But what value does any of these communities really have, if people only join them for their own profit?

Not much, and certainly not as much as they could have if we all start becoming more active in them!

OK, I get that it’s not everyone who join the sub-communities who do it for their own profit. Some actually engage and create value for others in their sub-communities, and that’s really awesome. So here’s a big shout out to you guys and girls, you really make a difference for a lot of people, and for that you have my deepest respect.

I’m about to make a bold statement, but I will stick to it.

You shouldn’t be part of a community just for your own profit

Being part of any community entails that we support people in reaching their goals. We do that by interacting and reaching out to each other. That way we get to know each other and that can give way to discussions and sharing of knowledge, ideas and opinions.

We should all be helping each other to grow and evolve here. That way we all benefit and we also help building a better Steemit for all of us. It might take some time, but so what. Anything worth having takes time to build.

So how about we all start becoming role models and start helping each other out?

Tips on how to help out and be more active

Don’t just see your fellow Steemians as just another vote for your posts or comments. See them as your friends and partners who are willing to help you out, but who also needs your support in achieving their goals.

  1. Upvote and comment the stuff you like, and don’t be cheap with the votes.
  2. Reply to comments on your posts.
  3. Upvote those comments if you liked them (good feedback merits a reward).
  4. If you have read a great comment or post by someone, then drop by their profile and check out their stuff.
  5. If you follow someone, then tell them that you did so (it’s a great compliment to receive).
  6. Check out who your most loyal supporters are, and make sure to support them as well. Check out he link below:

The following tips are specifically for how to be more involved in your sub-community

People post like crazy on the different promotion platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Slack or Discord) but I hardly see anyone giving any feedback there. Come on everyone, we can do better than that! :)

  1. Don’t just promote your own stuff, upvote other people’s stuff as well.
  2. Be active on the promotion platforms, hit that like button, retweet and tell people you like their content.
  3. Be active in the chats so people can get to know you and vice versa.
  4. Show some appreciation for the people who run those pages, they often spend countless of hours helping us getting our posts out there. So drop by their pages and give them some love and lots of votes!

Do you want to chat with other Steemians and have your posts promoted on several media platforms?

Then click the links and drop by Steemit Blogger Central.

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