Steemit Is So Much More Than Just A Method For Individuals To Get Paid For Blogging, The Philosophy Behind The Steemit Platform Could Truly Revolutionize The Way Individuals Use The Internet.

Steemit proves that a platform where individuals have access to the value that they generate is possible, and it may start a domino effect of users looking for platforms that have their best interests in mind. 

If we look at some of the most popular online platforms that currently exist, it's evident that most of the platforms are nothing more than simply centralized services that absorb the value that their users generate for them. Users who are active on the Facebook platform are literally the reason that Facebook is able to make so much money, and no one seems to question where all of their revenue comes from. The users of the platform create all of the value that the platform has, and without the users the platform would legitimately be useless. The concept of 'Don't post for free' is so powerful, because the true adoption will likely take place once individuals flock to the Steemit platform for the reason that they fundamentally agree with what it stands for rather than just a method of making some quick cash. Individuals stumble across the Steemit platform in many different ways, and I believe that regardless of how a user finds the platform they have the chance to realize the true potential of the platform. 

Once the idea of giving the power to individuals to have control and ownership of the value they create takes off and is accepted, I think that the blogging aspect of Steemit will be just the beginning. As more users, interest, and investment come to the Steemit platform, developers and users will have more resources to spend on 'DApps' for the platform that could drastically increase the number of practical use cases on Steemit. Imagine a Steemit music streaming service that had the artists interests in mind, and allowed the artist to have total control over the distribution of their music and allowed them to have direct access to the value that their content creates. While Steemit was built on an application specific blockchain, with the potential integration with the EOS platform and the flexibility of the Steemit platform itself it's easy to imagine Steemit being the home of much more than just blogging in the future. 

The Steemit platform is truly revolutionary for many different reasons, and users shouldn't loose sight of that. We are still at the very beginning stages of the Steemit platform, and our actions now will have a lasting impact into the future. I think that the reason that Steemit isn't an even bigger platform already is due to the fact that people simply don't know about it or what it is, especially those individuals who are already involved in the cryptocurrency community. It's not hard to imagine that Steem could still attract many more people within the cryptocurrency community to the site, but the problem lies with introducing these individuals to the platform. Many new users really don't learn to much about what they are doing in terms of investing and trading when they first start out, and Steemit could be an absolutely great resource for them. 

Once 'the switch flips' and users actually realize that they are earning legitimate resources rather than 'internet money', the potential for adoption becomes even larger. 

When I first introduce my friends of family to the Steemit platform, the first thing they ask is something to the extent of "What does the money value attached to the post actually mean?" or something along those lines. Giving an accurate description of the 50/50 split between liquid rewards and SP usually confuses them on the first explanation, and I have noticed that it takes significant explanation for most individuals new to cryptocurrency to really comprehend how it all works. While it is beneficial to understand how and why  the platform actually works, understanding how the platform works is in no way required to have meaningful interaction with the Steemit platform. If an individual dives right in to posting before they fully understand how it all works, they will have the ability to learn first hand very quickly. Many people still have absolutely no substantive understanding of cryptocurrencies, which is the core reason that I believe that Steemit has yet to be completely adopted by the mainstream. 

I have never felt so confident in the future of the Steemit platform compared to how I currently feel, and it really is something special to know that each and every one of us played a direct role in that. Steemit has a place for everyone, and with the establishment of more defined communities in the near future the platform is likely to become even more diverse. New users may be turned off when they look at the trending page and see posts about cryptocurrency that they can't understand, but I believe that the development of communities will have a very positive impact on Steemit's ability to turn users who stumble across the site into users of the platform. Steemit is more prevalent through search engines and organic traffic than ever before, and that is clear when we look at the rapid influx of new users to the platform. 

Not only does Steemit have a great idea and philosophy, but it also have the technical ability to make the platform a reality. 

I'm not saying that the platform isn't a reality now obviously, but simply that the Steemit platform and the underlying Graphene based blockchain on which it was built have an easier and more practical method of handling the level of activity that accompanies mainstream adoption. Due to the fact that Steemit witnesses are elected through a DPOS (delegated proof of stake) model, single producers cannot halt the advancement and development of the network like we have seen on other networks. The power ultimately lies with the users and stakeholders of the platform, and I think that the linear changes that accompanied HF 19 really made that evident. All users are entitled to the exact same amount of influence compared to the stake they hold, and this allows for users both big and small to have the same rights in terms of what their stake actually entitles them to. Steemit is literally the definition of giving the power to the people, and I believe that the platform's recognition of the value its users create is not something to be taken lightly. 

In terms of using Steem as a store of value or a method of transferring value, the lack of transaction fees combined with the speed and reliability of transactions gives the network huge advantages over current projects that wish to offer a method of transferring value. Steemit really seems to have the unique ability to make individuals really passionate about the platform and the underlying technology, which is a very powerful thing in and of itself as well. What the future of Steemit holds remains a mystery, but everything leads me to believe that it will be more powerful than many of us realize. The Steemit platform stands for something bigger than any of us, and the adoption of the platform could really cause a domino effect that would enable individuals to gain more control, ownership, and power over the value and quality that they create.

I really hope that you enjoyed this post, and I urge you to leave any comments, input, questions, ect. in the comments below! I would like to thank all of my readers and followers for their ongoing support, and thanks for reading!

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