Papa-Pepper's SEEDS ARRIVED! - The New Cult for Better Communities -Steemit Wins Again!

Is Steemit a cult?

If it is a cult then i am cultified.

What makes a social movement gain momentum and propel into success? I think it's a combination of things, but To be honest i really don't know exactly i can only guess and say - If the foundations are strong then layered growth will flourish and withstand the forces sent to dismantle her .
What i do know is the people are what keep the momentum on a continual up or a downtrend. In steemits case i see the foundation still being built, but the people have already started the movement with momentum initially spiking an uptrend but now it is becoming a tad more stable.

I have seen some great communities in my online life span, but nothing remotely on par with steemit. What makes steemit special is obvious to me. The support system is in full effect and can't be measured with anything i have seen before. The dedication combined with enthusiasm and the straight out hard core work ethics are clearly visible within it's transparent ecosystem. Steemit is not only changing people's lives it is changing people. Friendships are being built, learn mode has been activated, the will to achieve is on maximum overdrive, the need to improve is on level 10 looking at the 4th dimension, Hell it's a crazy ride that very few get to take. But we are here and we can so we will!

So what i wrote above is really just to help you understand what i think about steemit and to help you understand why i think this next part of the post is extra awesome with pepper sauce.


Just over a week ago which seems like a lifetime ago because so much has happened on steemit since then, i stumbled across this POST and to be perfectly honest i don't even know what attracted me to the content. It may have been the very well presented photos and the extreme authenticity of the content without the need for a verification card, or maybe it was that long as hell Chinese Noodle Bean that wet my whistle, i am still uncertain. Have i ever been interested in planting Chinese Noodle Beans? Nope can't say i have. Whatever it was i wanted to get involved.

So now i have decided i wouldn't mind some of these here beans.
Ok iamma post a comment and hopefully this papa pepper guy notices and i can get a noodle bean or two. (still can't figure out why i want a noodle bean)

Awesome he responded and letting me know i have some Chinese Red Noodle Beans coming my way. But not only that he offers to send me more varieties. Who is this guy? Well it turns out he is a genuinely nice guy that has a good heart, it was obvious to me with more communication with papa-pepper that he is the real deal and definitely a good guy to have around on steemit.

The seeds arrived in the mail on the 3rd (yeah takes me ages to write and do posts, i am a 2 finger typer so cut me some slack,lol)

Steemit is bridging the gap and creating an amazing community let's hope we see more and more genuine users like @papa-pepper help shape the steemit future.

I urge you to checkout his blog it is very down to earth and inspiring PAPA-PEPPER


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