What you DON'T like about Steemit

If you don't ask, you don't get. What...am I a mind reader? So what's your pet peeve about this beta platform called Steemit?

What a thing to ask! I know eh? smiles but seeing as you're here now, I really would like some feedback from the community at large. I'm trying to find some common problems that we find difficult, frustrating and just so irritating that we've actually contemplated scaling back on our efforts here, or perhaps even leaving.

So please, let's make this about you, and us. So together we might just make a few breakthroughs that will help make all of our journeys here more enriching.

"quintheartlets" welcome to my pics...first time ever shown to anyone...right click to enlarge

I promise not to ignore your comments. Nor will I belittle them. I'll likely upvote most...but any of you reading, this who already knows me, already knows these things to be true about me. So let's see where this can take us...shall we? Don't make me beg. I've never made you do so have I? Well...have I? Ever?

I'll start with one of my pet peeves. The learning curve! I'm really interested in getting the best I can out of Steemit...I really, really am. Aren't you? But I find it hard to find definitive answers I can digest and remember for the times I need them. This why I have been using resteem as my personal bookmark of sorts.

I would hope that others who visit my blog and notice all those resteems might find some value in some of them. Anyway...if you have any better suggestions/solutions to my pet peeve about Steemit...to which I'm most certainly not alone...you would be doing yourself and the community a service in sharing what works for you.

Also, in full disclosure, I have entered a contest, and a very challenging contest it is. A very difficult challenge by merej99...a wonderful and well loved Steemian I've already resteemed it and yes I will leave a link here. Part of the challenge is replying to comments over a 10 day period. 500 comments minimum (quality ones) so come now...say your piece I'm doing everything I possibly can to make it easy for you.

I've been told by a few here that I should begin making an attempt at posting my own content. So this contest is as good a reason to start as any...not to mention the 5000 SP delegated to the winner for one week (Vagabond City here I come! :-)...among other great benefits.

full_frontal ...you do know these are all copyrighted...right?

K...something tells me to keep this short and sweet. ~smiles fer miles~ Here's the link...but don't rush off all in a ruffle...haha. Do leave a comment on the post here. I assure you you won't have to respond to my reply...unless of course you want to.

side_profile...on the steem blockchain...I think. Correct me if I'm wrong :-)

Oh and at least one image citing the source...and seeing as I have much to learn about formatting and hidden links in text. I'll just use a couple few of my own taken either with my phone (BBZ10...yes I love it) or an HP Photosmart 945 with 5.3 MP and 56X Zoom. Feel free to comment on the photo(s) If you don't really have any gripe with Steemit.

It's truly a wonderful place and I honestly don't see myself going anywhere else. Ask for more photo's and you shall receive. Just take the time to comment if you can. I've likely commented on your own posts as I've gone about my strategy of surfing the feeds and meeting so many interesting people from all over the world.

Lol...maybe you have a beef with my comments...well I'm harmless, quite a friendly and accommodating sort. So g'head...bring it...I give as good as I get. Maybe you like the pictures? I'll be posting my own on all upcoming 10 posts I make during the course of this contest...so make a point to come have a look of the scenes around Victoria, British Columbia.

Scratch 'n Sniff.JPG
I call this one "scratch 'n sniff" ...hey ya run outta ideas before pics ;-p

That last one is worth looking at close up...right click...so soft...I could sleep on that for a week!

There see? I've gone and said too much...or not enough...I just don't know. First the link to the contest I spoke of (open to minnows and whales alike) Feel like taking on some whales? I do...hahaha...but I'm gonna need some help from my friends, and the kindness of strangers. yeah yeah...I babble...to the link...'scuse my lack of HTML skills.

I have to do something about this. link to contest

Thank you for looking and participating in helping me become the best Steemian I can possibly be. Have patience, this is likely going to take a year or two to accomplish. Oh...did I already mention how hard this is going to be? Please come back each day...when/if you can find the time, just to see what I come up with next. I'll do my best not to disappoint. I'm open to requests too...tell me what you'd like me to write about. No, I won't be burying myself in resteems so no worries there. Unless of course you'd like me to. Just comment below and I will see if I can't accommodate, to both our satisfaction. ~smiles fer miles~

        ~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~
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