Features Steemit Should Have

I've been on Steemit for a month or two now, and although I love it and think it has great potential, there are many things that if they were improved would increase the popularity of Steemit.

  1. Fix Account Creation Time: This is on Steemit's Radar and they plan on doing this in the very near future

  2. Change the User Interface: The first thing I realized while coming to Steemit was I didn't know what the difference was from home/new/hot/trending/promoted. It took me playing around a couple hours to really get the hang of it. I believe it should be re-designed to be more user friendly

  3. Now I don't remember if Steemit did this when I first signed up, but they should have a welcome email linking to video's & articles of common Steemit questions and how to navigate the website (if they already have this, my bad, but they should make it more evident when logging in)

  4. Add another tab at the top that shows you recommended video's/articles. This is one thing that youtube has over steemit. When I want to watch something new, it often just shows specific users with a bunch of steem. It would be nice if they had a way of showing you what you would want to look at/watch.

  5. Make Searching Channels Easier: You can search by trending, but you can't search by viewers/category/time/date/tag/... . This is something simple that should have been built in by default ( I understand this is the beta, but meah)

  6. Fix Searching in general: If you go to search using the Magnifying glass, when you get results it is not visually appealing.

  7. Fix the way you post items. I know you can click the editor button to show more details, but I believe it should be more intuitive. There is probably a good portion of users who don't even know this exists.

  8. Add more weight for individual users: (This is in the works in Hard Fork 19)

  9. Upload videos directly: (From what I know this is in the works)

  10. Playlists to show users in a quick way video's you added

  11. A search feature on each users channel to search articles/videos

  12. Upload multiple pictures at the same time and construct a gallery with different types of layouts. Being able to side swipe them in stead of scrolling down.

13)Re-Steem a Past article: Meaning once it has past 7 days and had a payout, be able to resteam it and have it go back into the home feed. This would be essentially a copy of a past article.

14)Customize-able Feeds: I'm a very neat an organized person. It would be nice to have multiple feeds where you can add specific users to specific feeds (Create feeds from scratch). Then you can have an art feed, a crypto feed, a food feed, and so on.

Is there something I missed or didn't think of? Let me know in the comments below.

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