To Steemit Developers @ned

Dear Steemit Developers,

I've been posting on Steemit for a couple months and love the platform and the potential it has going forward. For those of you who are unaware, I try to post 3 times a day (once in the morning, once in the middle of the day, and once at night). As I'm busy with work/life, sometimes it is hard to keep to these times.

This brings me to my request. I understand Hard Fork 19 is just around the corner, and understand Steemit is in Beta, but was wondering if it would be possible to setup timed postings. What does this mean?

Well I could do 7 posts all at once and choose when they are released (basically set the date/time of the specific release). This seems small, but this would make my life a lot BETTER. Simpily put, it makes it so I don't have to rush posts on my lunch break and don't have to move my life around to post.

Thanks and have a fantastic day,

Crypto Wallet

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