Curator Cat Considers: Doing your best on Steemit, even when you're very very tiny!

Steemit is a big wide world, and sometimes it seems even bigger when you are just a little cat.

Sometimes it feels like you just get lost in the crowd; a huge crowd. Who sees us? Who cares? Moreover, how do we keep up our enthusiasm and continue plugging away and doing our best, even when it feels like we are invisible?

The idea of having a "cat blog" isn't exactly new, and you Humans do tend to like cat and kitten content. Which is very very cool! And bless you all for that!

I guide the web action by draping myself across my Human's mouse arm!

An Itty-Bitty Tiny Wee Milestone

I noticed today — for the first time — that my itty-bitty tiny upvotes on people's posts and comments went from being worth absolutely nothing to being worth... $0.001. 

Insignificant as it may seem, it was a moment of "I have value!"

Of course, cats don't really measure their values in dollars and cents, but hope is still an important thing. No matter who we are, feline or human, we do need hope on some level. Hope is what makes us go forward; hope is what makes us do our best, even when we are very, very tiny.

Watching the world from the back of the leather chaise in mom's office

And hope sometimes brings great rewards!

For example, I basically won the "Cat Lottery" when my Humans found me at the local shelter and gave me a Forever Home. I had hoped to be adopted, in spite of the many negative stories that "black cats get adopted last."

Doing My Best

The idea behind the Curator Cat blog was always two-fold:

To share cute cat pictures (mostly of myself!) and to promote and support cat-related content on Steemit. This community's main areas seem to be "talking about cryptocurrencies" and "talking about Steemit." Everything else is a lot thinner, it seems.

There are exceptions, of course. This next picture is for @manorvillemike, this is Kramer (left), Brady (top) and Big (right) who always slept in a cluster. I never met them, but my Human has fond memories of them.

Former housemates Kramer, Brady and Big, napping.

The second half of the mission was always to simply support what I and my Human feel to be worthy content. Original ideas and stories told from the heart. Stories that may well be "commercially viable" (from the Steemit perspective) but which are clearly not told purely from the perspective of making money

Not that there is anything wrong with money.

When there is money, my Human brings home toys and kitty treats! Hence, I like money too... at least by association

My Little Tiny Goals

Anyway, my first little tiny goal is to reach 100 followers, which is not all that far away. 

The obligatory Curator Cat (kitten) selfie!

Within the foreseeable future, I also hope to reach a point where my little contributions here at least make $1.00 or more per post, on a somewhat regular basis. 

It's not really "about the money," it's about building enough voting power to reward those who are sharing really good and interesting things! Because that gives hope, and hope is the thing that makes the whole machinery move forward.

Maybe some day I, too, will have a post that "goes viral!" Who knows? I know it can happen: here's why: Both my Humans and my Human's "business" Steemit had early posts of theirs end up "organically" on the Trending page!

But I am not going to hold my breath! That would just be silly.

So have some cute cat pictures, in the meantime! And thank you for supporting a little cat's dreams of having his own blog!

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