Word of the day “Sabotage” - Wrecking The Good For Another


I usually refrain from writing about events at work but there’s one thing that happened has been on my mind ever since my Friday last week.

Going back into work today I can’t really think anything else other than “why do people sabotage things that should be good for another person?”

We had a contest at work, anonymously say something good about a fellow coworker within your department and possibly win $150 towards your bills for both people the mentioner and the mentioned. Well I was on vacation I didn’t know anything about it so when they posted the announcement sheet I was rather pleased to see someone mentioned something positive about me.

After returning back to the floor that good feeling for it was very quickly destroyed by a fellow coworker. He started off asking “who’s your buddy and bread department?” followed by a snide comment “oh I didn’t think you had any.” To then carry-on and complain about a few of the other entries that are on the sheet as if it is all garbage and meaningless.

Shortly there after I had another coworker come up and start giving me a hard time about it saying “I am the one that I entered you“ my response to him was “if it was you it could only have been for the point to make a joke of me“ which then he smirked and walked away.

It really bothers me that people go out of their way to sabotage the good things that my place of work is trying to do to help improve the culture we all have to work in. Now I’m left wondering is that a legitimate comment or was that just done as a way to get to me?

I was having a really good morning that day, I got three posts up before work, one of them was my I pooped myself vlog which actually got a dtube upvote, and I was feeling good about being at work and talkative. All of which came to a crashing halt once someone decided to piss on me directly with something I should have been allowed to feel positive about.

Just stop for a minute and think about how your actions are going to affect another person, do you want to be known as the person that always sabotages another person’s good feelings?

Don’t be the person to go around and piss on everyone else’s playground! Leave that to do dogs.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!!!

Thats it @d00k13 OUT

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