Many of you may have noticed the recent updates to Steemit. Among those updates are the addition of a single digit score next to your name. My score is an 8.
Reputation scores work like earthquake richter scales, they operate on log base 10. In other words a reputation level 8 is 10 times stronger than reputation level 7. Likewise, -8 is 10 times more negative than -7.
Those with weaker reputations are unable to harm the reputation of those with strong reputation.
This score is a simple algorithm that could be changed at any time and will be tweaked. If there are problems with it or if it starts to be gamed, then we will fix it.
We have already identified one bug that will be fixed at the next update.
If you feel you have been unfairly punished by the current algorithm, then you can appeal on slack. Less than 2% of all accounts are currently being filtered due to reputation.
Reputation | Number of Accounts |
9 | 1 |
8 | 86 |
7 | 712 |
6 | 1500 |
5 | 1617 |
4 | 1910 |
3 | 1780 |
2 | 1609 |
1 | 34,455 |
-1 | 106 |
-2 | 120 |
-3 | 98 |
-4 | 193 |
-5 | 116 |
-6 | 203 |
-7 | 16 |
-8 | 1 |
The lowest rep is @wang, being the first bot got him singled out by a lot of downvoters over time. We appriciate the service wang provided and he earned some good money from his efforts.