Does STEEMIT change people to write something that does not represent who or what they are? What does change in life even mean - a philosophical approach

Does STEEMIT change people to write and post something that is not their own, what represents them in their core?

STEEMIT pays a post for the votes it gets, so people are posting what they think will go trending. This system can be considered not perfect, for posts that are original and represent a person or a good idea, will go with difficulty trending. Some do, to be fair. But how do we know what is a good idea or not? It all depends on our own personality, whether you like intellectual development or not. Some people enjoy a very simplistic idea of sharing their own pictures or others post real life stories and go viral. How about philosophical ideas that are difficult to understand and take time to. Well i think we will see with the second part of the post if you can understand it. Comment if you did ;)

Posts seem to be valued by tittles on first glance in the eyes of many, and of course reputation. Also a lot of people who are posting are not very articulate and do not know how to post something meaningful that comes from them and so they just find something on the internet and post it for their own. This of course is not welcome.


If an author is good at religion and is not having any luck on STEEMIT should the author post something what he is not good at for example cooking. Not everyone can cook, but everyone can post how to cook some dish taken out of an recipe book, and has a higher chance of going trending. So the obvious question is why should we not change the way STEEMIT system works to earn money?

Every author should be thinking more in the line: what idea has yet to be published and maybe can help others to understand something. This is surely overly optimistic from me, but an idea spoken and shared to others is already worth by itself. It is not necessary that an idea has to help others, it is enough just to be original, something new - never seen before. A meaning to ideas can come later in life, but not everyone can think of them, therefore it is necessary for everyone to post and share ideas just for the sake of knowing these ideas. Intellectual development derives from this. No need to take my word for it, take the word of every great thinker and writer in our history. How many wrote books with such amazing ideas that they changed the world, countless.

Now we just need to find a way to find a needle in a haystack to upvote a post that contains that idea, for a means to say thank you for the idea and helping others to develop themselves further.

I hope this will help anyone in creating a better STEEMIT algorithm to find such posts.

I am still new to this, so i do not know every single thing about STEEMIT, if you disagree with this please tell me in the comment section. No need to flag ;)

Now comes the difficult part of the post. Enjoy.

Do ideas change people?

The most important thing in life of any individual person is an unusual and often a lack of an event which can cause the life to change. Of course we must not be naive and think that every person wants to change and that it is written in our gens. It is simply not true that everyone would want to change for some are very comfortable in the roles of their lives, simply said they are happy with it. There are also those that are to their core not satisfied with their lives and still do not want any change. So we ask ourselves why would a person change, why would it want to? And in the end if he could, would it?

Change is always related to the idea of a certain idea which means that it's not irrelevant for which idea we choose for, when we do want to change.
The history is overflooded with tips on how people can change and that it is good to be like that. It portrays an idea of an utopic-idealistic person how he/she should be. Everywhere we go we notice these strange inscriptions how to be better or how to fulfill our need to become something we are not. In this we can find enough evidence and arguments for the necessity of changing in this moment, when the capitalism is literally bombarding us with tips, information and other spiritual contents that we should grow, change, develop, transform ourselves and so on.
In a symbolical sense all these "evidence" and arguments and their need for change for life or just simply change, do not interest me, not in the least. I am more interested in something else.

What happens with a man that in a time something independently from him and his expectations happens in his world of ideas. To say it more bluntly, from his perspective in that moment it seems that some strong arm pushed him into some certain way. This idea is very agitating. In all fairness that strong arm is an idea that is intertwined in a network of other ideas. These ideas are already intertwined and therefore so are the forces independent of man. Ideas are namely not connected by man, but are logically necessary and structurally intertwined. Therefore they are independent of man which he is only a temporary humble user.

What is written means that the human is always inferior to ideas, not just sometimes. The ideas take hold of him, that is why he repeats the same and similar sentences and constantly calls upon on these very ideas. A man can also change on its own only if the change is possible when subjugating to another idea, allowing to be taken hold of new ideas which he may already know of, but was not subjugated to them.

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