Steemit Personal Goals for the Week: 8/22-8/28

Writing out goals I have for this week in my steemit journey to help remind myself to be more selfless and to accept the things I cannot control. This is partially inspired by this post by @sykochica.

Share at least as many posts in the chats, steemboost site, and Facebook groups as I share of myself

If you are a part of any Facebook steemit groups, a member of or in the, you probably notice most people spamming their own posts while never reading, commenting on, or sharing stuff made by other people that move them. I'm partially guilty of this as well, but this week will be different. Every time I share a post of my own, I'll share another post by someone else that I enjoyed. Preferably it will be one that hasn't gotten enough attention, but any posts I can share that will expand the minds of people who read them is better than me just spamming my own content.

Read every word of every post on my feed

I follow people because I value their opinions and think their posts can teach me something. What better way to soak up all of their knowledge than to read every word they write?

Read at least 20 posts by people not currently on my feed per day

People are susceptible to confirmation bias: searching for evidence that confirms one's already held beliefs or views. Reading posts of people who I don't currently follow gives me an outside perspective to both keep my mind and ego in check and teach me things I may not have learned otherwise.

Follow at least 5 new people every day

Read this post by @razvanelulmarin. Not only am I sharing a post I didn't write, but it's phenomenal advice. And you can see who other people follow!

Never let upvote % go above 90%

Check out this site that shows both any user's upvote % and worth per upvote. When you upvote less than 20 posts per day your % stays very close to 100%, after that it starts to drop off steadily, with that number dropping below 90 at around 25-28 upvotes in a 24 hour period. If I let my upvote go above 90% then I am simply not reading and upvoting enough posts per day.

Notice what isn't on this list

No goals of number of articles written, rewards, new followers gained, or total posts on the site. If everyone only pumps out content then nobody is spending time reading everyone else's content.

Let's all try to be a little more selfless and engaged with others this week.

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