Steemit Average Votes per Day by User Category

Steemit thrives on the chemistry between the authors and the curators. Being a relatively new user, I did not initially understand the concept of getting rewards for voting on someone's post (Honestly I still don't comprehend it fully). Other platforms reward article writers with either money or through popularity, but the concept of rewarding the people who encourage the article is entirely new (at least for me).

To know more about being a good curator I checked the steemit's official page and landed upon this link.
A line in that page caught my attention;

To maximize total STEEM Power applied to posts, users should vote on at least 20 posts per day. Voting on more than 20 posts per day has exponentially decreasing influence on total STEEM Power used.

Eureka! So we are supposed to make atleast 20 votes a day so as to increase our chances of gaining more STEEM power. Now this is something that I can check up in - the wonderful intitative by @arcange. I am mentioning him in almost all my posts, hope he does not flag me as a spammer!

Frankly, I haven't been casting more than 10 votes everyday with a few exceptions. So the aim of this platform is to keep oneself engaged and find atleast 20 good posts or comments everyday in order to improve the reputation. I did not make this cut yet, what about the others? Let's check the data.

Tools used:

Data Source :
Analysis Tool : Google Sheets

I wrote most of the logic into the query so that I can extract lesser amount of data from the database. This in turn removed my usual working tool Tableau from the picture.

As usual I am sticking to the categorization of users by vesting power (Guess I can make this my signature now!):

Vesting PowerCategory
Above 1000 MVestsWhale
Above 100 MVestsOrca
Above 10 MVestsDolphin
Above 1 MVestMinnow
Below 1 MVestPlankton

The Method:

Since I am going to do calculations directly onto the tables it seemed better to limit my data set to just the recent 3 months. It is the period when Steemit has grown exponentially so we get a larger sample of users.
I hit the TxVotes table to get the number of votes made by each user everyday and then superimposed it upon the Accounts table to get the voter's category. The step is to find the daily average based on the reultset available.

After pivoting the results, here's the final output:

Radar chart:


Table values:

Average votes/day.png


  • Planktons - You don't make the cut. Your voting average is 12 votes/per day 8 short of the recommended 20 to move up the ladder.(Self note: Vote 20 posts a day.)
  • The fact that the more you vote, the more power you gain is true as the average is increasing by the level.
  • The radar chart looks like a shell with an approximate golden ratio dimensions.
  • Tuesdays on Steemit are a mystery. Lower votes/day but higher whale voting conecentration during the peak hours - Source


>20 Votes is the key! Should make this a wallpaper on my station to remind myself daily.

After seeing the results, Most people will say that the bots should be excluded. I do not intend to do so as I still do not have a better way of identifying most of them through query. Manually excluding them may result in skewed data. I will revisit this once I make any breakthrough in getting that right.

I am part of a Steemit Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #BIsteemit. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you...

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Steem Tail.jpeg


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