100% SP Might Be A Good Payout Option Now! 現在就選擇100%SP為發帖收入吧!

A few days ago, a payout option of 100% Steem Power is available for authors. You may have already seen it at the bottom of your post editor. Like this...

應該是幾天以前,作者開始可以選擇寫帖收入以100%的Steem Power來支付,你可能早就在發帖編輯器下方看到過了,如下...

Also recently, if you do not select this 100% SP option, the default payout payment option is also changed slightly - a small portion of your original 50% SBD is paid by Steem instead.  Therefore, you are now paid by ALL three forms of currencies of this Steem system - SBD, Steem and SP. Well, personally I think it is quite messy. Take a look of my record in the following. The blue underlined are the default payment ones and the red one is the one I tried with 100% SPs.

最近還有一項改變:就算你沒有另外選擇100% SP的付款選項,原先的付款方式也已經略有調整了-現在原先你會得到的50% SBD當中會有一小部分改採用Steem來支付。也就是說,你現在的發帖收入會一次得到Steem貨幣生態系當中的全部三種貨幣:SBDSteem以及SP。我個人是認為看起來很亂,你可以看看我最近的收入紀錄:藍線就是目前的三幣齊發,紅線則是我試驗的100% SP,看起來簡單多了。

The following is my suggestion to authors fulfilling certain criteria... 以下是我對於符合以下條件的作者的建議

If you are an author that ... 作者們,如果你...

  • Don't need the SBDs in the short run: it could be that most of your posts are under $10, or that you are very successful but you always convert your earned SBDs into Steem and then power up because you are extremely confident on Steemit's future and/or you don't need post earnings to pay collaborators or daily bills. 
  • 短時間內沒有SBD需求:或許你發帖收入大部分頂多幾塊錢,或許你是成功作家,但是因為你相信steemit未來或是不需要流動性來支付合作者或是日常所需,反正賺到的錢最後還是都轉成SP
  • Don't think that Steem price will keep falling: if you believe in Steemit but are pessimistic about whales' powering down and the short run price trend, then you should probably store more SBDs...
  • 不認為steem價格還會跌多少:當然,如果你是相信steemit但是大鯨魚大量倒貨讓你短期沒有信心會止跌,那還是持有SBD來抗跌價吧

Given the fact and recent trend ... 事實跟趨勢是...

  • Procedures involved with transferring SBD to exchange, doing a transaction into BTC then into Steems, transferring Steems back to Steemit and then powering up... It is just troublesome and there are some costs associated... Just not worth your time and energy if the amount is not big. Internal markets are easier but the rate is not as good. 
  • 把SBD轉到交易所、兌換成BTC比特幣、再兌換成Steem,然後再把Steem轉回來再Power up,其實蠻累的,如果金額不大的話,更何況是有些交易與轉帳的手續費。如果是內部市場是方便多了,但兌換費率比較差...
  • Recent Steem price is at least stabilized, if you don't think an upward trend has been formed. From the recent lowest point of 0.0007 or so, we have the price back to around 0.001 now... IF the price keeps rising, then powering up as soon as you get paid might be a good idea! Of course, there is no guarantee of that.
  • 最近的Steem價格如果你不認為是止跌了,那至少也回穩了。從近期低點0.0007左右,現在已經在0.001上下了。如果價格持續上升,那麼得到款項的第一時間就Power up其實是蠻好的選擇... 當然,價格這件事從來沒有一定的...

Hence my suggestion is ... 所以,你應該也知道,我的建議就是 ...

It is time to choose "Pay me 100% in Steem Power" and grow with this platform NOW !! 

現在是選擇"Pay me 100% in Steem Power"的好時機,一起和這個平台共同成長吧!

Disclaimer 聲明:1. This post only represents my own personal opinion and I am not sponsored by anyone in any form (but you are welcome to 'sponsor' me by upvoting... :P 以上都是我個人看法,本人沒有接受任何人的任何資助,但歡迎你用upvote資助我!:P    2. this post will be paid by 100% SP 本帖選擇100% SP支付

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