Now You Can Edit Your Old Posts within One Month 舊帖已經可以重新編輯了

(above photo credit: pixabay)

I just found out about this change today. Not sure how long it has been effective... 今天才剛剛發現,不太確定生效多久了... 

So, now you, as an author, will no longer bothered by the 24 hour or first payout cutoff point - before or after that, you can do editing as much as you want... Only the posts older than one month, i.e. after 4 week or second payout, are not allowed to be edited again. Still, one month is fairly enough or even a little bit too long from readers' perspective (if the author can edit after such a long time... why should we read or upvote so fast?). One convenience it brings about, IMO, is when you need to repetitively post similar contents (like a regular update of something but you still do it manually) then you can copy the code from older post by entering editing mode and easily revise it to be your new post. Hope this is a valuable information for you.

作者們!現在超過24小時或是第一次payout的帖子已經可以重新編輯了!你不用再被24小時的編輯截止點困繞擾了,之前之後都可以任意編輯到你高興為止了。唯一要注意就是超過4周(或一個月,或是第二次payout期限,等義)的帖子還是不能再編輯的。這也很合理,其實4周時間已經很久,甚至太久... 作者其實早該把內容確定好,否則讀者為何要那麼早閱讀或是點讚呢?這次變動可能的好處包括:如果你常常想copy之前舊帖的格式,便於發表類似內容的文章,那你就可以點舊帖的編輯功能,就可以直接copy啦!我已經利用之前的memo帖來嘗試編輯過了,確實是可以的。

Note. This post will try the 100%SP payout option for the first time. 這帖我首度嘗試一下100% SP報酬試試看。

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