The system just blinked and sent me back to 3 days ago for 20 second

I don't know about you but this is the first time in my 4 weeks at Steemit to see that my page was at the status of 3 days ago, and I thought what the xxxx where are my posts? I refresh the page again and it is the same. First thing I check is my Wallet. Thank god it looks alright. Then I thought this can't be happening so I go back the the Blog page and took a screenshot to document it in case it is a rare experience. 

And it is. After like 20 seconds when I refresh again, everything goes back to normal like nothing has happened. Glad that I took the screenshot to back up MY FIRST TIME TRAVEL at STEEMIT!

Look at my evidence under. Except making the picture look more compact and easy to look, I didn't change a thing. If you take a closer look and you will find that numbers of followers and followed ARE up-to-date, i.e. they are time travel-resistant. 

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