The top 5 things YOU can do to help Steem grow, get better and evolve. Easy steps to getting involved in Steemit marketing 101.

1. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and other peers. I often times will tell random people I just met 5 minutes ago at their job, or just out in public. You'd be surprised how thankful they can be... #recruitafriend

This can seem a bit daunting at first, trust me I've been there. I told my  family about Steemit at the top last year and while they were excited for how successful I had been, the price drop made it very difficult to get them onboard without being concern with this constant sense of 'loss'. And I totally get it, but trust me when I say if they had take it more seriously like I have this past year, they wouldn't be JUST about to get started, at another almost all-time high. So regardless what you fear the outcome to be, it's always respectable to at least inform your family of Steemit and let them decide what to make of it, and just be there when they have questions, because you never know who's life you can change by helping them be successful on this wonderful blockchain...

2. Mention it on your other social media profiles, share the wealth with your online friends! You can change peoples lives without knowing it this way!

Most of us wouldn't be here today on Steemit if we hadn't 'stumbled' upon it somewhere along the way, which just goes to show how much luck factors in when getting into any crypto in the 'early stages', let alone a social media website thats still in beta and is about to change the world... so don't forget to at least share about Steemit on your social media profiles from time to time so you can help pass on the baton to the next wave of investors, users, and fans. I find other social media websites to be one of the most effective ways to recruit new Steemians. A simple tweet, picture or even sentence can change someones life, that you may have never even met, all thanks to the internet!

Here's an example of 2 of my tweets and their reach; I have about 50-100 more on the list below these.. mostly about Steem and PIVX, it works.

3. Handout simple business cards, you can get quite a bunch for relatively cheap. You can gain a lot of followers this way! (I will be making my own design this next couple days and will share the files here for everyone.)

This ones a little bit more leg work but still very simple, especially when a quality business card design is available for free which will be the case when I am happy with the design I am playing with and get a batch printed to confirm. At which time I hope to create a resource for constant use by anyone and everyone to help spread Steem to people who might have not ever gotten a chance to find out, without someone handing them a card. Just trying to make sure we can cover all verticals here and business cards are still a very large part of the planet we live on, so they are a no brainer in my mind.

4. Use the platform, daily. More active users is always a good thing, it helps diversify content, spread rewards more fairly & shows growth in the Steemit usage data, which are good metrics to judge Steem success by.

The only way the Steemit Inc team  and @Ned can gauge success is by metric and price obviously, but lets put the price aside for a second and focus on the usage factors. One of the main things to look at is obviously new sign ups, which is already booming, but with an army of users spreading the word, we could prolly x100 the current numbers with ease. Not to mention time on site, active daily users, and most importantly posts submitted all affect the price far greater than trader sentiment. The higher we can get these numbers, the more we prove to the world how amazing this platform is, and is going to be. So try to check in daily, will ya?

5. Upvote, follow & re-steem peoples stuff! This should be obvious but it needs to be said. Wasting your voting power by letting it sit idle doesn't help you, and it surely doesn't help your peers. Vote roughly 30-50 times a day!

This one is VERY important, even today I see people sitting at 100% voting power for weeks at a time, and its honestly infuriating, all of you people who don't vote for others and literally just post content to earn rewards are basically leaching off the system and its pretty much rude, so instead of sitting here explaining why its a good idea to actually use the platform to do stuff other than pillage upvotes, i'll just say this.

If you don't upvote other people, you are a leech, and they shouldn't upvote you. I've taken note of people who are very wealthy and literally sit at 100% all the time, and I do my best to not give them a dime. It's a shame really because the entire spirit of Steem was meant to enable a more trustless form of communication and there are a large chunk of users here that are only concern with their wallet balance, they must not see the bigger picture I guess. Btw if you are lazy, just go use to follow a curator... no excuses!  Oh and use to monitor everything.

Anyways, voting 30-50 times a day is nothing but GOOD for you, AND you peers. So please do it, daily! 

For the overachievers out there: Get out there and organize local/online events/ideas where you can educate entire crowds on this wonderful life changing tech! Who needs Reddit, Instagram, Twitter or anything else when we have this golden child?

This one is golden, you can use your local library, buy a specific domain name like I am doing with or simply start a hashtag outside and inside Steemit such as #kushsmokers where you can onboard people from your specific niche. You can take the same methods I am using to onboard cannabis users to onboard anyone from any niche, or just go out to your local college and educate people, everything helps! Who know's what may come of the loads of people you are helping in the process, but if my experiences are any indicator, you'll make alot of new friends haha!



//Don't forget to follow, upvote and re-steem! 

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