Scientists and engineers: heroes in silence


Our society is always constantly aware of the latest Oscar winner, the next pop star, the hottest actor/actress.

Now, I don't see anything wrong in this, in fact, quite the opposite, I am all for recognizing talent and giving attention when its deserved.

I don't want to debate about who deserves more awards, acknowledgment, praising, what I would like to share here is the fact that this people making projects that require a great intellect, aren't highlighted in the media as they should.

Now more than ever we have an increasing number of people, mostly in the shadows, working wonders the majority of the people have never heard of, creating a new generation of platforms, new discoveries, new technologies, improving lives in a anonymous way, and eventually, changing the world for the better.

This people not only deserve my admiration, but also the admiration and acknowledgment of everyone wether they are involve in the science or technology field or not.

I believe it's time for our society to wake up in this aspect, and realize this people contribute to our lives as much or perhaps even more, than any movie or pop star.

These people are the ones that make possible awesome gadgets such as iPhone, smart Watchs, Android, drones, or the fact you can just go to the web and buy everything online, or the fact you can just communicate with people instantly everywhere in the world.

They are the people that create projects concepts like cryptocurrency and projects like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, yes, Satoshi Nakamoto is one of those people, whoever he is, Steemit itself exists thanks to him.

They are the people that allows us, thanks to their work, to see our babies inside their mothers, or to control several types of cancer, or to remove that common headache, they allows us the possibility of having access to vaccines so we don't die at a young age...

I honestly think they are the real heroes of our society, heroes in silence remaining in the margin of society, like beasts of burden rarely well feed and recognized.

And yes, I am aware there are some awards dedicated to this subject (science and technology), but once again, this are awards mostly unknown to the general population.

I believe we should go back to the days of Darwin and Einstein, or the days of Asimov and Carl Sagan, they were without doubt the first "pop stars" of modern science. Their work was invaluable, y deserved all the support and admiration in the world, just as the Beatles, Michael Jackson or Freddie Mercury.

So this is my thank you message to Steemit developers! You are all awesome! And the whole community is happy for this platform!

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