Kind Request: Whales And Minnows, @l0k1 Needs Our "Halp"

Guys and gals, @l0k1, our friendly Australian journalist, is stuck in an East European country and needs or help to plough through the next couple of months until he finds a job and money for food and rent.

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He's currently broke (as in living on the street - thankfully he found an apartment for the next week or so), but has almost nothing to munch on.

As an East European myself, I'd say he needs at least 1000 SD for the upcoming winter months, so I hope we can help him gather this money as soon as possible. You can upvote his story or this one - I will send him the entire payout from Steem and SD.

You can follow his misadventures on his blog or contact him on Telegram.

I'd like to thank everyone who upvotes, donates and reshares this or his latest article. This is a great opportunity to show the collective power of Steemit to influence a person's life.

Thank you!

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