Need a Way for Chinese to Login w/o Facebook or Reddit

Apparently it is much harder to make an account from China.

We should start by adding a few of the sites in this article as login options. This will help increase the user base.

Douban is a message posting site like MySpace with 100m users, according to the article. link here

Tencent chat QQ is a large mobile phone chatting service with 784m active users. According to Wikipedia

Tencent QQ, popularly known as QQ, is an instant messaging software service developed by a Chinese company named Tencent Holdings Limited. QQ also offers a variety of services, including online social games, music, shopping, microblogging, movies, and group and voice chat. The logo and mascot is a small penguin wearing a red scarf.

Renren is China's Facebook. We need to let people login with Renren. It has 625m users according to this article

Let's add at least one of the options to the login options

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