Is Steemit Truly Decentralized ?

Lately, I have been questioning the concept of decentralization of Steemit. Yes, we all know it is based on blockchain technology. That it in itself does not mean it is decentralized. My understanding of decentralization is no single entity, be it a person or group of people can decide how network works. It must be based on consensus of the community, probably in Steem case it would be the stakeholders.

I am questioning decentralization for the following reasons:

  1. There has been 18 or 19 hardforks within a year period time. In crypto world hardfork is a big deal and necessitates a community consensus, therefore it is not an easy matter to accomplish. That makes me think who is making these decisions? It can only be possible with small group of people, which would mean there is a centralized decision making body.

  2. Who does really maintain Steemit website? There are so many things seem to remind us the early 2000s website, how are we going to improve it so it is more user friendly. Search feature is absolute a joke. How can community put a voice in these matter to get things better. What is the mechanism? or is it again upto small group of people who make these decisions?

  3. Whitepaper is completely outdated. After so many forks, much has changes. Some smart guys like @jerrybanfield did a research and came up with a post listing the real state of thing. That was helpful. But how are we really suppose to get the true and factual information? What entity is in charge of it?

  4. If it was truly decentralized wouldn't community have a voice in decision makings for the changes? I don't see a mechanism to do that. I admit I don't understand everything, but I have read quite a few posts by leaders of the community with large stakes to understand. Yet there are still so many unanswered questions.

  5. Although, witnesses are crucial part of the network, I don't believe it is within their functions to do the decision for the future changes on the platform. Correct me if I am wrong.

What I propose:

  1. I hope a this post will get catch an attention of a whale, would pursue certain actions to pursue a true decentralization or at least clarification of the level of decentralization of STEEM platform. I realize I have low stake in the community, and what I say might mean not much, but at the same time I believe many would agree with me.

  2. We should build a mechanism that will facilitate democratization of the network, meaning everybody would have a vote based on their stakes in the network. This mechanism would allow members to vote for future actions, be it hardforks, softforks, any other kinds of changes. I would think that would lead to true decentralization.

  3. Another mechanism needed is to ability to raise the possible issues and needed changes, that may require whale sponsorship to push forward for community discussion, again mechanism of voting can contribute for the consensus needed to achieve certain goals.

In conclusion, if if the network is not decentralized and decision making is only upto small group of people in the leadership of @ned and @dan I think this should be clarified. I would really like to know, in my opinion every member has a right to know, because we all are putting stakes in various levels in this network and these matter should be as clear as possible.

I would accept explanations in this matter. Please correct me if I am wrong or add if I missed something that might be of importance in the matter of decentralization of the platform.

I would really appreciate sponsorship of whales and dolphins to push this matter forward if you deem this is important. If there are any whale or dolphin sponsors to push this matter, I would ask to rewrite this topic in a manner that would be more accurate to address the issues and understandable for all. Because I believe, my understanding of this might be flawed. I just am not able to gather sufficient information, because it is not easy to find.

Thank You.

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