Is Steemit a pyramid scheme? Let's discuss

Pyramid scheme model

Somehow you managed to know about Steemit and register your account. Good!!

"Get paid for writing" they said... "the more you write the more you earn" they said... Then you take a look and it feels like you can write as good or better than those getting 2 digits!

You are inspired and motivated! Time to write your first master piece since your latest school homework! You publish and people writes comments and upvote your post... you are excited!

Unfortunately... after ages of 24 hours... you get $0.00 earnings WTH!!

What's going on here? huh!? Is Steemit a pyramid scheme where only the so called whales and other aquatic mammals earn something? Or is there some homework you still have to do?

I'M LURKING FOR ANSWERS!! Please share your comments and thoughts.

-- develCuy

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