Announcement: Steemians @Constanta, Romania meetup #1

Yes, after the first meetup in Bucharest, Romania we will have a new meetup, but this time in Constanta, Romania.

When: 8 July 2017 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Laboratorul de cafea, Constanta -
Scope: Because is the first meetup we invite you to know each other and to have a good coffee/tea on a nice place.
Steemit Constanta romania ovidiu rudi.png

One week ago I announced the first meetup for Steemians @Bucharest because I want to create a community that will help us grow. You can read full article here: Steemians @Bucharest meetup #1 anouncement.

And last Wednesday It really happend. It was a great experience, and many of Steemians who came wrote about it.
Here you can find my article: Sum up: Steemians @Bucharest Meetup #1 + what we have learn from it

Here you can find @alinamarin article: Bucharest Steemit Meet-up - June 28 was a happier day because of you!

Here you can find @teutorigos article: Bucharest Steemit meeting
Here you can find @emag article: The 28th of June - Bucharest Steemit Meeting (#1)
Here you can find @raluca article: First Steemit Meetup in Bucharest - tea, beer and beautiful people in a chill garden
Here you can find @mikimike article: mikimike's Journey #1 . Steemit meet up LIVE in Bucharest , I made new friends
Here you can find @gamestack article: Not Another Story About Steemit Meet-up ! - #1

Because fist meetup was a great success we decided to make it bi-monthly meetup, but also because we find other Steemians in Romania we decide to try a new Meetup in Constanta, Romania.

Why we choose Constanta? Good question. Because we want to put together utility with pleasure in a simple formula:

Black Sea + Bath Sun + Steemit = Awesome

As we all know is summer and in the summer we love to swim in the sea and to have sun bath. And, for me, Constanta is the best place in Romania to do that. And between two swims and sun baths we will meet and talk with Steemians from Constanta.
Don't forget:

When: 8 July 2017 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Laboratorul de cafea, Constanta

See you there!

 I'm Ovidiu RUDI and I'm a traveller, software developer and IT Trainer and I write on Invatam Programare. I write about programming, how to learn programming and travelling. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @djvidov

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