Things i'm grateful for on Steemit today (well yesterday, technically speaking)

I grew up in Scotland and I remember a time when my uncle and his family were home visiting from Canada. One day we all took a trip out to the forth road bridge near Edinburgh, because it was one of the best sights around – kind of like a smaller version of the Golden Gate bridge in San Fransisco.

I remember running across the bridge with my cousin, way ahead of our parents with my cousin, thinking that the old folks were really slow and that we were fabulous! Now I haven't been in Scotland for 10 or so years and today I find out from @mindhunter that there's a new forth road bridge that I wasn’t even aware of !!@??? See:


I'm big into personal development and the main theme of my blog is talking about the techniques that I've learnt that have allowed me to remove subconscious programmes in order to live a freer, happier life. However, I still have a couple of issues with fear that have been holding me back in my work and making things harder than they ought to be. Today I found a post from @steemed-open that's introduced me to book that may provide a way of thinking that might just be the learning I need to get me past these issues. See:


Also, I love photography, but I only have my bog standard smart phone. Now, I've still been able to take some decent shots, like these:


However, from @ejhaasteem I learned today that you can get a meta lens for your camera phone that will allow you to take close up pictures as good as this:


Now this information has come to me TODAY! How crazy and inspiring is that?????
In One day, I’ve learned a new thing about my home country, I have been introduced to a book that could improve my life, and I’ve learned about a technical gadget that should improve a thing that I love! How can I put into words what Steemit means to me?

The initial motivation for me joining Steemit was to earn a bit more cash and to maybe learn a bit more about alt coins, but it’s turning into something so much more. It’s turning into a platform that’s allowing me to express myself in a way that’s true, because it’s free from the fear of overt criticism and more than that, it’s turning into a sense of community that I think I’ve been craving for a long time!

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