7,777.777 Is My New Lucky Number (Also The Amount Of Steem Power I Got - So Far)

As I was checking my Steemit wallet this morning (an activity which tends to happen on autopilot, lately), I noticed this very interesting pattern:

Screen Shot 2017-07-25 at 10.28.51 AM.png

Now, for many people, 7 is a lucky number. It's also quite popular in pop culture or foklore: Snow White had seven dwarf friends, the week has seven days and so on.

7777.777 is also the highest number you can write with 7 digits in octal, if you don't take into account the separator (now I'm getting geeky, I know, can't help it). If you convert 7777777 from octal to decimal you get 4095, which is kinda boring, but not if you add 1 to it, and get 4096, which, converted to binary, gives us 0001000000000000. Now that's interesting. I could play with that all day, you know...

Also, according to numerology.com:

The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth (notice the capital "T"). The 7 doesn't take anything at face value -- it is always trying to understand the underlying, hidden truths. The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions.

Now, I wonder what's hidden under that wall of sevens in my wallet. I'll let you know when I'll find out.

P.S. I cheated a bit: I only had 7771 when I checked my wallet, so I did a quick power up, just to be able to take that wonderful screenshot.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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