May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day One: How Did You Get On Steemit?

As announced yesterday, I'm kicking off another 30 days writing challenge, this time focused on strengthening the Steemit community. Each day I will post an article on a pre-determined topic, which is either a question or some sort of a call to action. You can see the list of topics on the introductory post. Please be aware that I may not stick to the original list and the order of topics is not set in stone either.

If you want to join the challenge, write a blog post on the same topic I write on a specific day and leave a comment with a link to that post, so I can find you. Also, please tag the post with #challenge30days.

The next day, I will upvote at 100% (currently about $4 worth) 3 posts. You can write every day or just for the topics you feel comfortable with, but the more you write, the bigger the chances to get noticed.

Without further ado, let's start.

How Did I Get On Steemit?

It's a rather nice story.

A year and a half ago, I got an email with an interview request by @wadepaterson, which consisted of 20 questions. As a relatively known blogger in the self-help niche (got on Top 100 Self Help blogs 3 years in a row), I was used to doing interviews, so this didn't look (or feel) in any way strange.

So, I looked at the questions, put aside half an hour to answer and then replied back to the guy. A couple of days later, he replies back, with the link to the interview. Here it is, by the way:

20 questions with Dragos Roua

I read it just to make sure everything was ok, so there weren't any last minute typos or other mistakes, and it looked ok. But when I got to the end of it, I saw a certain amount of money that were somehow tied up to that post. I started to read more, got to the white paper, and in 45 minutes I was completely sold to the idea.

I immediately made an account and started to get involved, although at that time Steemit was quite different from what it is today and I also had other priorities. Bot things changed, for the better: Steemit became a solid social media platform and my priorities changed in such a way that being on this platform is now part of my daily routine.

So, thanks again @wadepaterson for introducing me to this platform, also @ned for supporting me for a few good months (until that flag war which made me take a few steps back) and each and everybody on this platform, from devs to witnesses and from whales to minnows, for building the future.

So, how did you get on Steemit? Write an article about that, tag it #challenge30days and then post a link in the comments. You may just get a full upvote from me.

Previous Posts In The Challenge

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

Wanna know when you're getting paid?

I know the feeling. That's why I created, an easy to use and accurate tool for calculating your Steemit rewards

It's free to use, but if you think this is a useful addition, I'd appreciate your witness vote.

Thank you!

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