WARNING: Phishing Scam By "@accounttransfers" On Steemit Via Direct Messages - Don't Fall For This!

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This is what I got in my transfers log 7 hours ago. It's a phishing attempt, in which you are asked to give your credentials on a fake website. The URL I highlighted is a fake URL, it has an extra "l" (the small letter l) before the word "steemit".

I used Postman to make a GET request to the site and here how it looks like:

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As you can see, it asks for your WIF key. NEVER, EVER, under ANY circumstances, don't give your WIF key to any site on the internet! NEVER!

If you already accessed the site and moved away, please be aware that it sets a cookie, so you might want to delete it (it may be used in other future requests)

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It's easy to spot a fishing attempt if you look at certain red flags:

  • a gmail address as the contact address (secureteam616@gmail.com)
  • convoluted, complicated copy, involving fear-inducing sentences and concepts (government documents, etc)
  • the most obvious one: a URL which seems credible, but on further inspection proves to be fake

Always access Steemit.com - and any other websites in which you store value, like online wallets - by bookmarklets, otherwise the URL may be easily spoofed.

Stay safe!

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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