Steemit: Social Media Redefined


21st Century.

In my opinion, one word to best describe life at this time is CONNECTIVITY.
With the technology available now, it is quite easy to stay connected to friends and family literally all over the world. You may be living alone in a foreign land, you may be miles away from your dearest friends, you may be physically within reasonable distance to everyone in your circle but work demands are too much at the moment and you can't physically be there with them.

But still we stay connected.

Here is typical day scenario that we can all relate to:

" Walking home from work on your usual route. You saw the new fusion restautant that opened last week. You've been meaning to try it and having nothing urgent at hand, you decided to have your meal there first. The deco was great, the ambiance is exactly up your alley. The service is spectacular and the food is inbelievably good!

You take out your mobile phone, quickly writing about your experience and posting it on social media. After all, you want your friends and family to have the same wonderful experience you had.

You received 500 plus likes, 200 plus comments, and since your post/review is one of the firsts, some friends asked for permission to have it shared to their contacts as well.

You are happy that everyone is getting a positive value on your thoughts about the restaurant. Happy day!"

The list of what we positively share to our network on social media can go on and on. Travels. Life and relationships. How to's. Political views. Business insights. Products that we loved (yes, we even become walking product advertisers- for free!).

All these because we want the people dear to us find the same value from our thoughts and experiences.

Now, imagine this alternative- being able to do the above, and other than the emotional satisfaction gained from your network's responses and reaction, the same 'likes', 'comments' and 'shares' also translates to dollar value .

This is exactly what one can get from Steemit. Dollar value for quality content. Steemit gives the opportunity to earn simply by doing things we already do in other social media sites.


Who wouldn't want that, right? One would think that anyone who come across this knowledge would immediately jump and take the opportunity to earn. But this is not the case 100% of the time. Some would have doubts and questions in mind. Too good to be true. Why would they do that? There must be a catch somewhere.

This roots from the uncertainty of something different from what people have been used to.

I intend to share this ony Facebook wall. If you are one of those with concerns, I urge you to research on the platform and how Steemit community works. This is a good read explaining the community:

I have joined and been active since 5 May 2017, exactly a week now. I've seen my account value's growth in a week.


I urge you to join the community as well, once you do follow me @dreamiely!

After all, I am sharing with the hope of everyone dear to me having the same wonderful experience on Steemit.

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