Some Words About my Necessary New Voting Practices and Honoring a Veteran of this Site

All Photos in this post were taken at my parent's house- Back yard, front yard, side yard, inspirational place, and where my muse most frequently visits.


It has been eighteen days since HF19 came along to first excite than deflate the community. I'm generally not a downer, in fact most would describe me as a very positive optimist. But I have to say the whole power drainage has been a drain on me.


I'm not even sure if I have ever voted on a post at less than a hundred percent until recently. Comments I've adjusted, but not posts. I like to make people smile, and I keep worrying that if someone looks in their steemd account and sees a vote from me at a lower percentage it's going to be disheartening.

But I have finally had to bow to the slider, since I've found myself voting on less and less people in order to keep my power from tanking. There are so many great posts out there, it's a crime for me to keep passing them by.


But I've felt so bad about it that I decided it was necessary to make a post, to let every one of my beloved friends on this site know that your articles, your art, your stories, your music, your images and every creative endeavor are all one hundred percent vote worthy in my heart. And I wish I didn't have to put them at anything less.

But from now on, my average votes will be somewhere around 10-30%. When possible I will give more, and if unavoidable I will give less. But what is important to me right now is that I give something.


It's unfortunate that the price of steem had to go down at this particular juncture, and more unfortunate that predictions are taking it down even further over the next month.


But don't lose heart! We might have a bit of a struggle coming our way, but I have 'been shown the future', and after this bit of a slump we are going to go up...and up..and up! In fact I have it on good authority that by this time next year we could very well be looking at Five dollars a token. And not by a stretch of the imagination, rather some very intelligent individuals whom I have found to be eerily accurate on their predictions of such things. And these same individuals believe that it could increase to as much as FIFTY PER in three to five years!

Remember you heard it from me first!


It is my intention to do two different promotion posts every week or two, one for newbies who have stood out, and one for veterans who continue to stand out after all this time.

I began this new tradition yesterday with this post:
And am continuing now, so let the honoring commence!


@merej99 became known to me a few weeks after my arrival in late November. I had managed to fly under her radar initially, but once she discovered me I felt as though someone had brought out a spotlight and shined it on my fledgling blog.

For those who do not know her, she is best described as the community altruist, beginning a Pay-It-Forward initiative designed to raise money for members of the community in need.


The latest in her long line of fundraisers can be found here: for a well-deserving steemian who has been having a difficult time- @girlbeforemirror. I urge everyone who has yet to learn her story to do so now, worthy of every dollar raised and more, this courageous woman is a testament to mankind.

In addition to her fundraising, @merej99 is an avid steemit enthusiast who will do all she can to make this site the best it can be. A great example of this is her recent challenge It's official start date is today, and there is money to be won, so if you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out pronto. (Or not, since I stand to win a lot more if you stay out of it..!)


And these things outline who she is in the community, but who she is to me is an amazing friend.

There are some people whom I have met here that have made every moment of my time spent worthwhile. Even if the predictions I made above, which I wholeheartedly believe, do not turn out to be true, even if this ship sinks instead of becoming the spaceship to the moon that I foresee, I wouldn't regret a single moment because of friends like her.

I love you Meredith!


And that is my @merej99 challenge entry for today.

Favorite photo? Let me know down below!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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