The First Book of My Series- The Allies of Old- REBORN is ON AMAZON! Momentous Day! I LOVE YOU STEEMIT! (steemit collages inside!)

This has been a long time in the making, and it's almost hard to believe that the day is finally here- Reborn, the first book of my paranormal series The Allies of Old is ON AMAZON!

I am immeasurably grateful to all of those who read it here on steemit; your support, encouragement and feedback played a large role in propelling me to this point :0)

A special thank you to my incredible friend @therealpaul who painted a masterful scene for the cover, who in fact plucked the very image of what I had always envisioned for the cover right out of my head and breathed glorious life into it-

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-and to Scott, whom you all have known as @son-of-satire, for turning the magnificent painting into this incredible book cover that is now beautifying Amazon-


Here is the back of the book blurb, which was agonizing for me to write (summarizing is not my strong suit):

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This has been an incredible journey so far for me, in both the real world and the fictional one. The book began as an idea for a young adult novel, in fact I have what amounts to a novella of the original story which takes place the summer before the book begins (though there are some identical scenes in it that I had moved over into the beginning of Reborn, sans chapter one) which I have decided I'm going to release here on steemit.

(For those of you who have already read the first novel it will be a deeper look into the main female characters outside of Anna with a fun little side adventure.)

All in all this has been a banner year for my bucket list. I have now checked off its top two items of "Publish a novel" and "Road trip to California", both of which I've had on that list for a very, very long time.

And I've just realized something as I'm writing this- I was stuck for quite some time, feeling distinctly uninspired, a lack of enthusiasm for the future... I kept blaming it on the heat, and while that never helps I knew it wasn't all of it. I thought perhaps that it had to do with not being ready to come home from that glorious trip, but now I see something else. I needed the milestone of getting a book published. I didn't just want it to happen, I needed it to. I was standing still- not moving backward granted, but not able to move forward, and this was the reason.

Suddenly, I have all kinds of ideas, I wake up itching to write, to plot, and to go do life to the max!

I am eternally grateful to Steemit which has been a force, like one of nature's elements, in my life; giving me purpose, propelling me forward, like the wind hitting the sails of a boat that had been stuck in a harbor and pushing it out to sea.

It is relatively quiet around here lately, and that's okay, sometimes it's nice when the water is calm and you just float around in lazy circles.

Especially when you have amazing people floating around with you ;0)

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My heart is stretched to bursting with the amount of people who fill it- So Blessed!

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A special shout out to my amazeballs friend @meesterboom who was among the first (may have actually been the first) to order the paperback version and send me a pic! Dude, you rock!!

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Buy Your copy of Reborn HERE:

I'm not generally one to ask for Resteems, but for this post- if you feel so inclined- I would appreciate it immensely!

Thank you my steemit peeps, so much love for you!!

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