(R)evolution - Part 3 of 3

(R)evolution  - part 3 of 3

So what's my project?  It's simple, really.  It's a treasure hunt.  I have no idea if this has already been done before – and if it has, ok!  I'm going to try my spin on it.

After connecting on Steemit through engagement on a post, I had the chance to interact with @d-vine in discord.  We totally hit it off!  At one point, we were playing Hotter/Colder as she was trying to guess my location.  It was so silly and so simple – but we were laughing like children!  

I've been accused of thinking too much like a child.  I happen to take that as a compliment. If anyone read my entry post in @pennsif 's homeschool contest, (that was really not MY instruction as a teacher – but our CHILDREN's imagination come to life) you can see what I mean. I like the way that children spend more time doing, rather than talking.  They try, fail and try again.  

I like to have fun, laugh and interact.  I thought a treasure hunt could be a fun way to hit the spot!

The details of this project may change... but here is the initial concept.

Objective:  Treasure hunters (Steemians) will come to my page daily looking for their daily clue to the treasure. At the end of 7 (number may change) days of posts, the clues will be combined to complete their map to the treasure.  Treasure will be a combination of Steem, real world gifts, and/or full upvotes on a post of their choosing from the community.  The 7 authors will be pre-selected from a list of authors that I have already chosen as high-quality content writers.  They will be given a clue word to use in their post for a pre-detemined day.  They will also make it extremely clear what the theme of their post is for that day.  (Authors will choose anything topic they like.  They only have to work the clue word into their post.)

Rules:    After the treasure hunters receive my daily direction, it is NOT a requirement for them to upvote, comment, follow or resteem my daily clue post.  My daily direction will send them to a specific author's post with clear instructions on how to find the clue.  Each day, the author will be someone new. The treasure hunters MUST upvote the author's post of the day, and comment MEANINGFULLY on the post.  The author of the post agrees to give at least a 20% upvote to all meaningful comments.  If the author of the post does not deem the comment as pertaining to the post, and the comment does not receive an upvote, the treasure hunter is disqualified from that week's treasure hunt.  There will also be additional clues as to the theme of that post, clearly given by each author to ensure that the post is read in its entirety.  On the final day, when all the clues are combined to reveal the treasure, the treasure hunters must answer a final question to test if they read the posts, or merely skimmed.  The first one to “find the treasure” and answer the final theme question will win the treasure. Each author also agrees to feature the sponsors of the treasure hunt on their post.  Treasure hunters MUST visit the latest post of each sponsor and give at least a 25% upvote.

Treasure:  I'll donate some various amount of Steem... no idea how much, but I'll try to make it attractive! Also, there are various Steemians who would love to have promotion for their businesses.  My treasure hunt would highly favor businesses that accept Steem in exchange for their services or goods.  We would also feature more traditional businesses that are willing to donate a small gift in exchange for the extra exposure to their businesses, upvotes and potential new followers.  Sponsors will be encouraged to make high quality content on their posts that draw (and keep!) users to their blog.  

The purpose of this treasure hunt is to reward people who make a true effort to build Steemit into a positive, welcoming, fun, and engaging community.  Comments are a GREAT way to connect with not only the author of the post – but other like-minded individuals that comment as well.  It's very hard for minnows to draw people to their posts, but an intelligent (or funny, or insightful) comment made in a tasteful way on a post can stand out as a beacon for other kindred spirits to follow.  

I do not make any assumptions that this small-scale project will solve the problems of Steemit.  I hope that it can start a ripple effect where others will take up the same initiative and affect THEIR own Steemit communities. Different languages, cultures, lifestyles can make for really interesting treasure hunts and appeal to those specific communities in ways that would make it fair and enjoyable for all. By no means will my treasure hunt only be limited to English-speaking Americans.  However, someone from a different culture might have an easier time understanding and interacting with a treasure hunt sponsored in their own community.

Finally, I'd like to head your skepticism off at the pass.  Some people might say, “But you're just doing this because you want attention.  You don't really care about community and people and interaction.  You just think this will make you a whale!”

Well, that could be your opinion.  If you don't know me, I don't see how I could convince you of anything different.  But feel free to look at the interaction that I've had on Steemit.  You can make your own determination, but I'll ask you this:  Even if my reasons were selfish, would that change the fact that I'm trying to set up a project where everyone wins?  If you have a better solution, I think you should stick with that.  I'm only offering an alternative to people who are tired of the nonsense.

Thanks for your attention!  I know this was a long 3 part blog.  But I'd like to try it and see what happens!!!  If the first attempt fails – I'd love to get feedback and try it again!

I'll be contacting some Steemians this week that I think might be interested in being authors, and sponsors... and if anyone feels like they might want to be a part of this, please feel free to contact me directly – you can comment here, or find me on discord.  I'm dreemsteem#0695 

(I wrote this from my heart and I'm sure it could have been clearer in some places, and had a bit more finesse in others.  This isn't about sounding perfect.  This is about our community adapting now, before it's too late.  In my opinion, time is of the essence.)

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