- Get Free Physical Steemit Stickers - Create branded content!

Update: Currently working on an update that will make all of this even easier. I will create a new post tomorrow. Please stay tuned until then. You can still order free stickers though.

I made stickers for Steemit. Because there were none. And now you can have them too! :) Go to for instructions or keep reading!

I saw a few posts while browsing the community that it would be cool to have stickers that one can put on pictures or videos that are created for blog posts. My mother has a small print shop.. so I made a design and just printed a sticker to put on my own laptop.

But... sharing is caring! I had a very successful post 2 days ago that got rewarded with 246$ in earnings. After I did my own sticker the idea of sharing them grew on me and I worked almost 20 hours straight on the stickers and website.

So here is the deal: because of my mothers shop we can produce the stickers very economically. I asked the post office yesterday how much an international standard letter costs and they said 110 dinars which equals 0,90€ - to any country. That means 0,90€ no matter if the letter goes to Hawaii or to Japan. I always liked the idea of pen-pals but I never got to have one. But I like the idea of bringing SteemIt into the real offline world and spreading the word about it.
So I will spend the money I earned on my old post to send you 5-6 stickers via letter!

What you have to do:

  1. Upvote this post with your steemit account
  2. Go to and fill out the form (with the same username that you voted with)
  3. Wait for the stickers. Receive them. Spread the word and create branded content! :)

The data entered will not be shared with anyone and deleted after the stickers are sent out. You could also enter a postbox, office address or any adress where you can receive letters on. The E-Mail is needed so I can keep you posted about the status or ask if something is unclear about the address.

Those stickers I created so far:


I can guarantee that the first 150 users definitely get stickers. But if all of a sudden there would be more people interested in this I will make an update on this post. But I need to pay for postage and a bit for colour and paper so I would not wan't to commit to sending out 500 letters and put myself at risk.

New tag: #freemit

I was thinking that this website could use a new tag #freemit. If people are giving away stuff for free be it physical or digital and it is related to steemit you could now use this tag :)

I hope you like the idea and we can spread the word about steemit together! For free stickers:

I just fixed a small bug on the website. I only finished it 2 hours ago so if anything else occurs please just leave a comment and I will try to fix it asap.

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