Another Solution to Dissuade Steemit Abuse/Reward Pool Destruction. The Steemian RewardPool Protection Guild.

Steem reward pool abuse has become one of the most important topics within the Steem Ecosphere. There is a great deal of fighting within the Steem community regarding steemit abuse, without any apparent and readily-activatable solutions within sight.

The single biggest part of this problem seems to be a lack of cohesive unity and awareness on what EXACTLY Steemit abuse is.

The second biggest part of this issue seems to be a lack of organized downvoting power to ENFORCE what the Steemian community has deemed as ABUSE.

We can move through these obstacles by coming together to create the Steemian RewardPool Protection Guild(or whatever else we would like to call this idea).

The idea is relatively simple. Everyone who joins the Guild gives a few automatically distributed vote each week ( as decided by the guild ) towards flagging the most prevalent abusers on Steem. By joining the RewardPool Protection Guild you obtain a weighted vote (proportionate to your steem power) that gives you a direct voice in what EXACTLY steemit abuse is, and which steemit abusers we will target first.

Here in the #Earthnation.
We believe it should be an infraction of the Steem Rules for anyone over 500SP to constantly (and only) upvote one's own content, or to only upvote a select few author's posts. We think dolphins and whales should make a point of finding new authors and posts to support on a semi-regular basis.

We also believe the purchase of upvote bots should be limited to 44 SBD worth of bids per post, with no more than 3 posts a week being upvoted past 11 SBD bid upvote. This allows new authors the chance to be seen in trending/hot while also limiting the ability for authors to have more publicity than they deserve.

We believe comment upvotes should be highly regulated. Those that consistently upvote filler comments or those that upvote comments to ridiculous values ( past 50$ ) should be regulated.

Regardless of whether you agree with our beliefs on this matter, we invite you to join us in discussing what Steemit Abuse is to you. Together, we can find common grounds that we all recognize as abuse, and TOGETHER we can STOP IT.

We have designed a guild upvote/downvote software system we made for our Earth Nation Steemit Guild. We would happily repurpose a new instance of this system to facilitate the Steemian RewardPool Protection Guild.

Furthermore, we offer to Steem our knowledge of weighted voting systems and direct/representative democracy. We would happily facilitate discussion on what the exact parameters of Steem Abuse are. Then all of the members of the Steemian RewardPool Protection Guild can vote and (hopefully) reach a 80%+ majority consensus on the exact rules we wish to enforce together.

Click here to indicate your interest to further discuss the development of this solution.

For those that do not know, the #Earthnation is a planetary alliance dedicated to the creation and expansion of decentralized autonomous organizations across the planet as a more efficent and effective replacement to the current centralized governance and resource distribution systems that run the planet currently.

This Steemian RewardPool Protection Guild concept is one example of a decentralized autonomous organization.

If enough people indicate interest through liking/commenting/resteeming and filling out the above form, we will create a digital instance of our DAO tools to begin the discussion and voting processes for this new Steem Guild.

We are here to serve you, and all of Steem, in creating and upholding a Steem Culture that honors, protects and supports all Steemians.

We believe in Steem; as the future of Social Media, and as a means to provide a creative basic income to humanity. We invite you to participate in making this belief a reality.


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