Can’t Eat the Cake Twice: Don’t be a Steemit Tourist


In a general sense I am talking about the crypto space as a whole. Tourists are those lovely set of people who make the loudest noise during the highs and disappear back to base when prices fall.

Prices are tumbling and everyone is rightly concerned about the future of the crypto market. While the participants see the value being created in the crypto space, tourists only follow price trends. I read some tweets today while researching opinions on the price crash talking about how they warned so and so to ‘get out' before things crash.

Obviously these are people talking from a position of ignorance and probably do not know why Bitcoin and the crypto space even rose to prominence in the first place – in other words they do not understand the intricate revolutionary value being created by the cryptoverse.

Even the media are all over the doom and gloom warriors highlighting the price fall. I read a story of a man that ‘lost his life savings to bitcoin' as covered by the mainstream. Such negative sentiments will only scare the tourists further as well as potential participants.

What is particularly annoying is when participants who have a better understanding of the technology, innovations and value provided by the cryptoverse, become tourists themselves for one reason or the other. Believing in Crypto is more than just a price turnaround, it is the reason why prices will turn that matter – and that’ what differentiate s tourists from participants.

Thank you @erodedthoughts

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