⏺ The zombie mentality! You need to have it. Part 1

You just get up and do it. You don't think about it. You just do it - Staci Scharadin

Powerful words. Nice one Staci.

How true though? I don't even need to get into detail with this. It's quite self-explanatory! If I think about all the times I have wasted time pondering about things in the past, it's a very depressing thought. Why?

It's depressing because I know now that nothing comes into reality from thought. Yeah sure, everything starts with a thought, but that's not my point here. Of course things must start with thoughts, but they must certainly not stay thoughts!
The only way to create your dreams, is by contributing physical action to the universe.

It's all about 'The Grind'. That's when the dreams become reality. Grind you say? Yes. Why do you think @grantcardone's 10X Rule is so effective?
It's to put in 10 times the amount of effort into everything you do. That's how you grow as a person.
That's the grind. Non-stop.

All in or nothing at all!

Zombie mentality.. Think about it. What does a zombie chase? Brains! Why? Because it doesn't have any.

The point is to switch off your logic. Turn down your consciousness, and focus 100%, truly dedicated effort to the thing that you want to have expand in your life.
Ever seen a zombie movie? If you have, then you will notice that the only thing a zombie does is chase people. They know exactly what they want, and they DO NOT STOP.
PS. What do you think of Zombie Zane? :D Let me know your thoughts below. I now have more SP, so my votes are more valuable. I do reward, and respond to great comments!

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
You need to open up to new ideas! Open up!! Part 1

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @steemsoccer! Let's support his efforts!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: Why I am not a millionaire yet! Extended.

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

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