Steemit Essentials - Steemauto


Making Your Steemit Life Manageable

This is my 3rd entry in a series of tutorials on utilizing Steemit more easily. The goal of the tutorials is to reduce the learning curve associated with becoming a Steemian and growing your account and presence once you've joined. I know firsthand that this is no easy task and my mistakes have cost me hundreds of dollars in errors. Many new Steemians can't afford to make these kinds of mistakes and often get frustrated to the point of leaving the platform.

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Regardless of your level of commitment to Steemit, all the tools and resources that I review and suggest are useful and help eliminate expenditures of your valuable time.

Please give me feedback and suggestions on resources that you think should be highlighted and how I can make these tutorials better. I'm no expert and certainly open to learning more from the community. I also ask that you forward these on to people you know that may have need of improving their navigation on Steemit. The more we all grow within the platform, the better and more attractive the platform becomes (and the more valuable).

A Quick Video to Walk You Through Steemauto

I've attached a quick video on Steemauto and the features it provides. You can visit the site here - Once you arrive, log in using Steemconnect.

Here is the video -

Additionally, you can find out even more from @mahdiyari in this post -

Video Outline

In the video I show you some of my favorite functions of Steemauto and how/why to donate to the project.

  1. Support the initiative of @mahdiyari and his group. They are doing a great job helping advance the Steemit community and deserve a little SBD/Steem love if you can spare it. Every little bit helps.
  2. FanBase is a great way to add the people you follow on Steemit and give them automatic upvotes. You can set the voting power percentage, the frequency per day, and even how many minutes after the post is made to upvote it. Very cool.
  3. Curation Trail - Automatically set the parameters of following your favorite curators like @qurator or @curie. You can choose voting power percentage, frequency, etc.
  4. Auto Claim Rewards - Steemauto will automatically make sure your curation and author rewards are claimed and rotated to your account. It does this every 15 minutes. This, as with everything in the service, is optional. You decide.
  5. Schedule posts in advance. You can write and post them to Steemauto and set the exact time and day you want the post to go live on Steemit. This is a great function for those that can't write a post every day, but have time to create some in advance.
  6. Automatically Upvote Comments - You can set your account to automatically upvote the comments from your most loyal friends/followers. If they post a comment on one of your articles, you will give their comment an upvote. Once again, you decide the value and time of the upvote in the settings.

Final Thoughts

I hope you find the tutorial useful. Please comment below and share your experience and/or suggestions. I look forward to making new friends and creating solid relationships so don't be shy.

All the best to you on your Steemit journey.

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All intelligent comments get an upvote for effort (even if I disagree).
Send me a copy of one of your posts and I will try to read it quickly.

Steemauto image stolen from Steemauto - I don't think they will mind.

Posted using: busy

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Special thanks for support from @qurator @thundercurator @dynamicgreentk @newbieresteem @resteemit @asapers

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