Tips on Spicing Up Your Water

Are you a health buff and like me your favorite drink is water? Plain water, tap water, warm water - that's it and you're getting bored of it?

Here's something that may help make your healthy water drink - tastier.

It's August and it's normally gloomy in The Netherlands at this time of the year. It's been the case for a few weeks till today. It was sunny and pretty warm so I don't have to stick to drinking warm water. I've decided to make us a cold lemon water plus.

I heard from some models that one of their secrets in keeping themselves fit is lemon water. In my case, I drink it as an alternative to my usual drink - warm water.

You'll be needing a bowl, a knife, a cheese grater, a teaspoon and a pitcher or two - in my case, I use two pitchers to lessen the corroding effect of the lemon to my teeth.

Here are the ingredients :
1/2 lemon
1 cucumber
2 inch ginger
5 passion fruit

How to prepare :
Slice the lemon and cucumber into super thin pieces.

My hub bought me a Nicer Dicer because I had RSI (Thank you!) so all I have to do is scrape them on it. It slices them super thin. Transfer evenly into your empty pitchers.

Peel the ginger and grate it into the cheese grater. Transfer the bits into your pitchers.

Peel the passion fruit. Mine looks different than that of a tropical passion fruit. This one's blood red like that of a pomegranate instead of the normal yellowish - translucent tropical passion fruit. It's also very compact than loose and just sweet rather than sour - sweet. It's sticky rather than succulent. It tastes like jellied hibiscus.

Grate the passion fruit with the help of a teaspoon till you only get to see its black seed coating.

Add a bit of water and strain the seed to another bowl. I used a funnel to transfer the seedless juice of the passion fruit to both pitchers. Add as much water as you want.

Refrigerate overnight or you could also use them ASAP. In my case I took one pitcher out after fifteen minutes because I was going after the enzymes of the dominant fruit in the mix. Enzymes fade away within 20 minutes. Our body could only take one fruit enzyme at a time. So if you eat a banana then an apple after that and pomegranate later on... your body would just make use of the banana's enzyme and the rest would just work as fibers.

Fill just half of your glass on the first pour ( it might be too sour), add ice or more water then refill the pitchers with water and refrigerate again. You could keep doing this for 3 days using the same mix.

Cheers and enjoy ^ ^ !

P.S. On days like this and I don't get to harvest passion fruits from my garden... I just use lemon and cucumber slices. It's very refreshing, too. You may also use pomegranate, slices of raspberries, strawberries and cherries instead of passion fruits.

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