Sharing Is Caring|💕 Ensuring Food/Medications/Supplies For People Of Venezuela

Today, my buddies from Venezuela did a true act of kindness, I want to send them my respect for it. They made a plan and lot of food.😎 Afterwards, they fed many people on the Venezuelan streets. 👼 Unique gesture you can't see everyday, they motivated me highly to continue this project...

It is a kind of initiative I support fully, and the reason why Sharing Is Caring was made in the first place - to help those in need. My heart is truly warmed since I saw the pictures from the streets of Venezuela. Many got food they deserve, food that should be here for everyone in the first place...

Sad but a harsh reality, that greed from minority has brought us where we are:

Many have everything and more they will ever need, while majority has nothing to eat...

The pictures I will share with you, are hard and authentic. I didn't see that quality in a long time...

They presented a lot to me, and just by looking at them I felt so much. A corrupt system, inequality, sad people who went through suffer... Children on the streets who were hungry, individuals - who were tired from the Hardship of life, individuals who went through lot

On the other side, I've seen love, ambition... Authenticity, big hope, that new generations are the crucial wheelie that will ride us where we should be... I saw that we can do it, unite, and realize we are all one. Cause we are, lets face it


And after you strip down every single thing that you were manipulated into thinking you were, you will realize... We are all the same. We all bleed the same blood

A system so unfair, that it is hard to comprehend how unfair it really is.

Shocking reality, nevertheless, but there is lots of chances to be Human, and that's what truly matters, and it is beautiful to see - that there is still plenty of love... On this planet of love, what it should be at

The Main Goals Of Project #2 ✔


  • Get as much rewards on this post as possible
  • Donate everything to and @takeru255
  • They will use it to start new initiative
  • Share more with those in need
  • Find a way to share even more
  • Bring a lot more smiles 😊
  • Share it with Steemit when its ready


I'm really thrilled to work with this young people from Venezuela, I'm young myself (25) and I'm so excited about the level of enthusiasm and ambition they have shown. I can clearly see and feel that they will become our long term partners, and I'm really anxious as to where will this lead...


It is truly a beautiful sight to witness and my stomach gets that warm feeling now. I hope you are aware many of these people have barely anything to eat, not to mention that most food filled with processed chemicals and additives is shipped in lesser developed countries, not giving them quality nutritional options. We are talking about children as well, who are growing up. That is why we who have enough, must make sure, to ensure someone else gets enough

What else is this journey called life meant for? If not that, even if you had everything, would it really matter if you would keep it everything for yourself? I highly doubt so, and I don't think that would bring joy on deeper basis. I feel joy comes from giving, because without giving we can't receive.


Every bit of help will be appreciated. Everyone with a big heart are welcomed. Believe it or not, with just a minor contribution you can actually make a difference... That is what makes Steemit so revolutionary in times like these, and makes me excited about what the future holds. I'm sure it is positive, and there is more for everyone, I have the right to visualize whatever I want, right? No one can take it away from me 😊


If you read this post, I want to give my deepest thanks to you. Hope you will join the initiative, and if you have anything, share to help those in need... Together we can make it, by uniting in what we should be - a wholeness, oneness. If anyone wants to donate any SBD, you can do it through my username with memo: share2care

I will make sure to forward it to my Venezuelan colleagues, and I have full confidence that they will make the most of it, for everyone

Read their full article here

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