Check Out My Not-Chat With Starr O'Hara!


"Being at rest, in different places."

Here's my first not-chat, with Starr O'Hara!

We talk about:

  • Starr's upcoming Steemit video series about travelers, expats and nomadic Steemians

  • Gregory Diehl, and his book Travel as Transformation: Conquer the Limits of Culture to Discover Your Own Identity

  • Starr's decision to homeschool her daughter, Nebula Vincent

  • Nebula's creative and educational unfolding

  • Nebula's awesome art, featured HERE on Wednesdays, and everyday on Instagram

  • What it takes for an introvert to raise an extrovert

  • Productivity, project completion, and time management

  • MODELING/DEMONSTRATING the behavior you'd like to see in your child(ren)

  • Success habits for entrepreneurs and artists

  • And more


Starr and I co-presented "Art Your Way To Anarchy" at Anarchapulco 2017.

It wasn't recorded, but here is a pic of some of us afterward.

And here's a link to Starr's Steemit post, which is as good as a transcript.

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