Regular STEEM

If you are new to Steemit you may be wondering how can you earn some regular income and how to get those mega payouts.

I recently discovered, a treasure trove of Steemit data made accessible by @furion. In the coming weeks I will perform sentiment analysis to look at interesting trends, and identify people to follow and engage with on Steemit. I will also try to identify some of the more positive posters and I look at how this translates into payouts.

The Dream

To figure out how to become a full time Steemit blogger like @knozaki2015


After downloading some data I started by looking at the trending users in the top 10 for this week.

Trending Last 7 days

What is striking is their payouts form a Steem like pattern. Some more pronounced then others but these are the guys I will be trying to emulate. @cryptofiend @knozaki2015 @doitvoluntarily and @mynameisbrian in particular post a lot and have almost perfect STEEM patterns, but what sets them apart is the high quality content of each post.

Steem Payout Pattern

The regular payouts seem to be down to hard work, most of the authors who regularly get up to 50 dollars per post write amazing articles. They clearly have a talent but they also put a lot of time into their work.

Join me in the coming weeks for more insights with this series

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.

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