Why am I here?

Why did any of us start blogging on steemit?

Well, yes. Obviously. Buckets of money. Because we're all going to be rich soon, of course :P
But there are other places, not many, but a few, where there are tipping systems and things of that nature. So, why here?

Obviously, I don't know your motivation for being here. So, why am -I- here?

I like the idea of decentralized services, especially media. If you've read one of my first posts, you'll know that I'm an anarchist/voluntaryist, and obviously, that means I am against the idea of using any sort of coercive violence, or coercive -threat- of violence, against individuals who aren't harming anyone else, as well as being against limiting the expression of ideas in any way, even offensive ones.

One of the obvious catches of that is that, in order to avoid such coercion, you need to create systems wherein violence or the threat thereof is ineffective to achieve any sort of result. On other social media sites, if someone is offended or upset by a post, they can simply report it, and have it taken down, usually without any sort of immediate evaluation of that content. Governments, as well, are quite fond of pressuring or even creating legal requirements for the operators of those sites to take down anything that the government may find undesirable. Obviously, this is arbitrary limitations on the expression of ideas, and it is being accomplished in part by the implied threat of violence that comes with any sort of government decree or command.

So, hopefully, this will become a platform that is immune to such manipulations.

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