The Rise Of Crypto Currency šŸ’“ A Sweet Farewell To Central Banks šŸ‘‹šŸ½

Central Banks...?!? Massive Coorporations Running The World?!? Let Me Tell You, Ainā€™t Nobody Got Time Fa That!



Getting The Hang Of things here on steemit ! Itā€™s borderline my third month of being active on this platform while learning about the realm of crypto currency.


Itā€™s funny because last year around the same time (mid November-December ish) I was learning about trading currencies through forex. It was something I had intended on taking very seriously, however I was more focused on graduating college & other young lady things that the trading endeavors kind of dissipated before my eyes. Mainly because I didnā€™t really feel I understood the system of trading currencies, plus the people teaching me seemed to be in it for the fast cash without any real substance or purpose behind it other than being rich & independent. For myself, there needed to be a little more involved to keep my spirit interested. Months passed, my life unfolded then I was once again introduced to crypto exactly a year later except this time it was different. No one was bribing me to be involved with steemit for solely for the payout. I was introduced to steemit based on talents I already had in writing, blogging & video logs. It was introduced to me as an alternative to outlets I was already using, that I was seeing very little return on along with super bias competition when it comes to views.



Coming to steemit, I was immediately immersed into a community that is working together to build for something greater than views or dollar signs; they are here to create a space where people can provide each other with quality, authentic work that gives surmount value to the platform. Steemit is a great way to also invest, into whatever it is that we are passionate about. I love that this place is based on Currency, not an economy. Currency being the flow of energy we all have to give to ourselves & one another, economy being based on supply & demand; essentially being based on scarcity rather than abundance. Crypto meaning hidden, secretā€” Available not for large corporations or entities to take ahold of to micromanage for their own benefit at the detriment of the earth & beings of it.



At first I found that a lot of people outside of the crypto world were a little scared of tapping into it, because of it being technology based or invasive of privacy; honestly the list can go on & on of reasons to be scared. Truth is anything can go wrong for you when you live your life in all the wrong ways. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s crypto or a central bank. We create & allow things to work for us in our benefit when we see what there is to be grateful for, letting go of what obviously isnā€™t working! Which is associating our time & effort to a dollar amount. See modern banks, jobs & institutions have made it seem like we are what we work for. In reality, that very same system enslaved people to work day in & day out for their entire lives with little to nothing to show for it after decades of slavery. We are not what we do, we are who we are. When we respect our calling, our hearts desires only then will we ever see success. So yes, we are worth a lot when we actually respect & acknowledge our purpose. We can work, do this & do that all day long & achieve nothing. Still struggling, asking people what they gotta do or where to go next to get ahead. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with looking for guidance, only when you value anotherā€™s guidance greater than your own inner voice is when you get stuck in a pit fighting to climb out.

I know with creativity, positivity & persistence we can achieve a lot of goals with this platform, without worrying about the ā€œcompetitionā€. The only real competitor we have is us, So everyday we should make a solid effort to do better than what we did before. Listening to our inner guide for direction, because trust nothing is coincidence! No need to force it, a flower blossoms into its beauty in its own way & its own timing.



Invest into yourself! Donā€™t be ashamed to bid on upvote bots, i encourage people to play with different methods they may think of to create their space & build their network. We are our greatest investor! If you donā€™t have faith in you, then who will?


Peace & Blessings ā­ļø

Steem On My Friends, Steem On....


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