Papa Pepper And Family Visit

Today we had the privilege of meeting @papa-pepper and his family. My husband @dwells invited them over for the day.

It was such a fun day. I wish I had taken more pictures but it is what it is. Lots of food, fellowship and just all around fun. The kids even got to have a water balloon fight.

It's always a little scary, at least for me, meeting new people. I'm an introvert, while my husband is an extrovert. He literally can walk into the store and come out with a new friend. I'm the complete opposite. I usually sit in the corner and people watch until I'm more comfortable, even in my own home. Its just the way I am. Today it felt like we had known them forever. Our kids played great together. The guys grilled and us women cooked and visited inside. It was like we were all friends for a long time. The scary part of meeting a stranger, especially someone so well known on here, can be a little stressful for me. I apply a blend of essential oils that help me feel less anxious on my wrist. They for the most part can help me to not hide in a corner. But today, I didn't apply anything. I just went with the flow and it was awesome!

Their family was an absolute blessing! Thank you steemit for bringing another family into our world. We would have never met them had it not been for steemit.

Papa-pepper even brought us some plants. What a blessing! Can't wait to get some strawberries and plums in the years to come. The witch hazel will also be a favorite for medicinal purposes.

I try to always look at the small things and appreciate them. Steemit is awesome. Yes earning money is great, but for me, new friends is even better!


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